Best Bottle Warmers Review: Find the Best Brands

The list of baby essentials continues to grow. With demands on parents' time and energy, bottle warmers are more than a convenience. Even if your baby is breastfed, you will...


Baby Bumped Head: When It’s Time to Worry

When your baby bumps their head, the world feels like it’s ending! Watching your baby is a full-time job. Even their most casual days can...

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Precautions To Prevent Your Baby From Overheating


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Is Your Baby Grinding Their Teeth? Here’s What to Do

      Intro Baby Grinding Teeth  On average, babies begin teething around six months old. After that, some are born with teeth (though rarely),...

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Is My Baby Allergic to Breastmilk?

Image Source Does your baby spit up often after eating or have weird, unexplained rashes? Do they get extra gassy or fussy after they feed?...

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How to Deal with Your Child's Night Terrors

Image Source You have likely comforted your child after a nightmare. This isn't uncommon and something almost all children and parents will experience at some...

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Baby Personality Types and Temperaments 101

IMAGE SOURCE Babies go through a fascinating growth process in the first few months. One of the best known aspects of their development is their...

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Amazing Tips for Relieving Engorged Breasts

 IMAGE SOURCE Keeping yourself from feeling tired, swollen, or sore is tricky when you're a new mother. Nowhere is this fact more evident than dealing...

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Why Do Babies Smile in Their Sleep?

The smile of a baby is one of the most heartwarming sights in the world. Just why do babies smile, anyway?  The first few years...

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Why Do Babies Cry in Their Sleep?

If you've ever heard your baby crying and checked on them to find them still asleep, you might have been confused. You're not alone—babies crying...

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When Should My Baby Start Talking?

The first year with your new baby is full of exciting milestones that you can’t wait to hear (or see) firsthand. On average, you can...

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What To Know About Baby Growth Spurts

With newborns, the unexpected is expected. As soon as you think you have their sleeping and feeding routine down pat, your baby might become a...

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What Does it Mean When a Baby Stares at You?

Have you recently noticed your baby staring at you, at strangers, or seemingly anything else in the world around them? If so, you shouldn’t be...

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What Causes Ear Infections In Babies?

Ear infections (also called otitis media) are one of the biggest medical problems that small children regularly face, and it’s the job of responsible and...

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Is My Baby's Poop Normal? When To Call A Doctor

The newborn parents of a baby under 18 months should be expected to lose almost a fourth of their regular sleep schedule. The average parent...

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How To Help A Newborn Baby With Gas

Is your newborn baby crying in pain from gas? Wondering how you can help relieve the pressure? We’ve all been there. When my first baby...

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How to Get Rid of Baby’s Hiccups

 Has your baby been hiccuping constantly? We all know how annoying it can be to suffer from a hiccup fit. While hiccups are not inherently...

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How To Change A Diaper

 Hey there new parents! How's your new big adventure in life going? Is it going as planned? Is it what you expected?  As a new...

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How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby

  Being a new parent can be equally exciting and terrifying. It’s normal to feel like you don’t know what you’re doing as a parent....

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Babies and Thrush: Everything You Need to Know

Sadly, infants and young children are highly susceptible to a relatively wide range of illnesses and conditions because of their comparatively weak immune systems. One...

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When Can Babies Have Water?

There’s no shortage of advice–good and bad, floating around when there’s a new baby. Many well-meaning busybodies will nonchalantly share unsolicited advice, and many unsuspecting...

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When Does Baby’s Hair Grow

Some babies are born bald and seem to take forever to grow those precious first few locks of hair. And other babies are with a...

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Babies & Heat Rash: What You Should Know

As a newborn parent, you have read all of the books and are ready for the task. Still, you might feel a little anxious about...

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Calming Songs To Sing To Your Baby

Your baby’s first year of life is filled with many milestones. When it comes time for your newborn to sleep through the night, that is...

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Feeding Chart For Babies: What You Should Know

All parents want their babies to be healthy. A happy and healthy baby starts with proper nutrition. As babies grow, they will have developing nutritional...

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Baby Slings: How to Use Them

Seeing your baby snoozing and happy in their little sling is a joyous sight. The only problem is getting the sling to work in the...

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Naming Your Baby: 20 Nature Girl Names

Naming your child is a complex process. You have so many beautiful and fascinating names to choose from, so how do you narrow things down?...

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When Can Babies Have Peanut Butter?

A pediatrician can coach you in feeding peanut butter to your baby since they have a detailed medical history of your child.  Peanut butter is...

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Sleep Training Your Baby: The Cry it Out Method

The cry-it-out method is a way to teach babies to sleep on their own. You want to jump out of your seat when you hear...

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Is White Noise Bad For Babies?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, newborn babies should get 14 to 17 hours of sleep per day. This sleep is essential for their psychological...

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Can You Overfeed Your Baby? How Much is Too Much Breast Milk

Your baby is in the most critical developmental stages of their life. They need plenty of emotional, mental, and physical nourishment to set the stage...

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