28 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development and Changes in Your Body

Are you 28 weeks pregnant and feeling like pregnancy is the longest nine months of your life? You’re not alone! In many ways, week 28 marks a significant milestone in pregnancy as both mom and baby undergo some big changes—from physical developments in the womb to feelings of excitement or anxiousness at home. As expecting parents, it’s important to understand what this stage of pregnancy looks like so that you know what to expect ahead. Here we discuss all the incredible progress your little one is making this week, plus any changes taking place inside your body. So moms-to-be and husbands alike, join us for an insightful look into Week 28 of pregnancy.

28 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby

Now that you've passed the midpoint of your pregnancy (week 27), you've entered the third trimester. Major growth occurs during the third trimester, particularly in the brain and senses. Check out the latest developments with your infant. The New York Times reports that brain neuron development occurs at a rapid pace during the third trimester.

Your baby's sense of hearing is improving, and they may be able to distinguish between different sounds. The light from your belly button may now be visible to them. Babies now dream during their sleep cycles. Babies can be monitored for REM sleep at this age. Perhaps you're the subject of their dreams. Putting on the finishing touches: As your baby prepares for life outside the womb, they are also putting on weight.

Related Link: 12 Top Tips for Newborn Photography

Fetal Activity at 28 Weeks

pregnant woman and man posing in front of a lake

Your baby is growing rapidly and will soon be in the optimal position for birth, head down (cephalic presentation). Between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, the majority of babies have turned completely head-down. However, some babies take longer to arrive, require some extra encouragement from your doctor, or simply refuse to position themselves head down, in which case a cesarean section will be necessary.

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How Your Pregnant Body Looks at 28 Weeks

In the third trimester, your energy levels will drop even further. Your baby is growing, and it's getting harder for both of you to get comfortable enough to sleep through the night.

Related Link: How Long Should a Newborn Sleep: How Much is Too Much?

Pregnancy Symptoms at 28 Weeks

man smiling at his pregnant wife

It's exciting that your due date is drawing near, but you may be feeling a bit uneasy as the big day approaches. What to anticipate is as follows:

Urinating Frequently

Now that your baby is big enough, they may start to crowd your bladder, bringing back the urge to urinate frequently.


As your baby grows, she puts pressure on your stomach and intestines, which can lead to heartburn. Avoid eating foods that you know trigger it, like spicy or greasy ones. In order to determine which foods are causing you the most trouble, use a food journal. Common triggers include caffeine, chocolate, and fried or spicy foods. Try eating smaller, more frequent meals, such as five or six mini meals instead of three large ones, and staying upright for at least an hour after eating. Sleep with a very slight incline. Don't blindly take any over-the-counter medication. If you're still experiencing pain after every meal despite your best efforts, see a doctor first because some antacids aren't safe to take while pregnant.


Because of the changes in posture and strain on the spine that occur as the baby grows, most pregnant women report feeling pain in that area. Hormonal shifts also cause ligament relaxation, which can compromise your balance and mobility.


Pain in the back that is even worse than usual? Pain, numbness, or stabbing sensations in the buttocks, thighs, and lower back. These are the manifestations of irritation of the sciatic nerve, which originates in the lower back and branches off into both legs, hence the unusual name of the condition. The expanding uterus can put pressure on the nerve, and swelling, weight gain, and altered posture can all contribute to the problem. If you're experiencing pain, try applying a warm compress to the area, taking some time to rest, and adding pelvic tilts to your Kegels routine. 

Braxton Hicks Contractions 

Keep an eye on your belly for random contractions as your body gets ready for labor. Braxton Hicks contractions differ from actual labor contractions in that they are irregular and usually subside within a short period of time. More and more frequently and intensely, the real deal would occur.

Restless leg syndrome (RLS)

Many pregnant women have trouble sleeping because their legs keep moving. After a long day of pregnancy, some people are surprised to find that they still have restless legs when they finally get to bed. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) can cause restlessness and disrupt sleep. If you suffer from RLS, it may be beneficial to discuss taking a supplement with your doctor. Try a warm bath, heating pad, or ice to alleviate the pain in your legs as you stretch and massage them. The first step is to make movement a regular part of your life. You don't need hours of intense aerobics; a half-hour evening stroll can provide immense relief.

Are you interested in learning more about caring for your baby? Check out 123 Baby Box today!

Understanding Your Baby’s Development 

At this point in your pregnancy, you should try to get plenty of rest each night and maintain a balanced diet. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby! Additionally, your doctor is available for any additional advice or input – it never hurts to ask them any questions or concerns that you may have. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you will be well on your way to having a healthy and happy 28 weeks pregnant experience.  Remember: every trimester brings new developments and changes - stay informed and equipped with the right knowledge. Check out our blog to learn more about how to care for your baby during pregnancy and beyond.

Related Link: Formula vs. Breast Milk: What Choice is Right for Your Baby?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Consequat aliquet tellus suspendisse semper. Pulvinar semper porta tortor venenatis dictum. Neque et non tincidunt turpis mauris aliquet nunc aliquam volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Consequat aliquet tellus suspendisse semper. Pulvinar semper porta tortor venenatis dictum. Neque et non tincidunt turpis mauris aliquet nunc aliquam volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Consequat aliquet tellus suspendisse semper. Pulvinar semper porta tortor venenatis dictum. Neque et non tincidunt turpis mauris aliquet nunc aliquam volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Consequat aliquet tellus suspendisse semper. Pulvinar semper porta tortor venenatis dictum. Neque et non tincidunt turpis mauris aliquet nunc aliquam volutpat.

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