Gassy Baby? Try our 8 Top Baby Burping Tips!

Hey there, super-parent! We all know that being on diaper duty isn't the only challenging part of parenting, right? Your adorable little one, with their infectious laughter and toothless grins, can sometimes turn into a tiny bundle of discomfort, all thanks to those pesky little gas bubbles. Trust me, a gassy baby isn't a picnic for anyone involved, not for you and definitely not for your little cherub.

But before you start to worry or feel like you're doing something wrong, let's put a positive spin on it. All those little burps and bubbles are just signs of a healthy, growing digestive system at work. But of course, we want to keep those precious smiles and giggles coming, and that means keeping the gas issues to a minimum.

That's why we've got your back. With these eight top-notch baby burping tips, you'll transform from a worried parent to a skilled burping ninja in no time. Not only will your baby be more comfortable, but you'll also get to enjoy more of those magical moments of peace and joy that make all the sleepless nights totally worth it.

So, are you ready to take the plunge? If you're nodding your head or if your heart is screaming 'YES', then hang on tight and keep reading. Let's kick those gas troubles to the curb, together! Baby burping tips to the rescue!

a newborn being fed a bottle

Why Do Babies Need to be Burped?

Burping a baby is important for a few reasons. When babies eat or drink, they tend to swallow air that gets trapped inside their stomachs. This happens because babies have sphincters in their esophagus have are still in the process of developing and that stops them from being able to burp themselves. 

For babies, this can be incredibly uncomfortable for the baby and can cause them to voice their distress until they can relieve the pressure by being burped. Burping will help the baby to release that trapped air in their stomach and reduce the pressure and discomfort.

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Burping also helps reduce the chance of the baby developing reflux, which causes the contents of a baby’s stomach to push the undigested contents of their stomach back into their esophagus, forcing babies to spit up much more often. Make sure to burp your baby regularly so that they don’t deal with this discomfort.

Babies need to be burped so that they can make room in their stomachs for more milk or formula. The stomachs that babies have are incredibly small and any air trapped inside takes away precious space for nutrients that babies need. Burping increases the amount of nutrition that a baby can take in by creating more space.

The act of burping a baby also gives a sense of comfort and security to the baby. These are bonding moments, so take the time to enjoy that moment with your baby.

Related Link: What Is Cluster Feeding and Is It Right for My Baby?

Baby Burping Tips

Here are eight of our top baby burping tips to relieve any discomfort your baby is feeling.

Try Sitting the Baby on Your Lap

If the traditional method of holding your baby over your shoulder to burp is not working, try sitting your baby on your lap to help them burp faster. Make sure that you are supporting your baby by holding a palm to their chest while gently cupping their chin with your fingers so you can keep them upright and also to keep them from falling.

You can start to give the baby firm and quick pats to coax a burp out. If you are still having difficulty, try rubbing their back in small circles starting from the bottom to the top or very gently and carefully bouncing your thigh.

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Burp the Baby Early

Babies are going to be more hungry when they first start feeding so they tend to gulp more air when they swallow. Try burping the baby early on in the feeding to expel this extra air so they avoid the discomfort of accumulated gas and to make more room for more milk or formula. 

Burping the baby early on in the feeding can also prevent spitting up and vomiting due to the accumulation of air and milk or formula in their stomachs. This accumulation creates gas which causes babies to vomit or spit up.

a swaddled baby sleeping

Keep the Baby Unswaddled While Feeding

Although swaddling can make handling a baby much easier, try to avoid keeping a baby swaddled during feeding time. Burping a swaddled baby can be difficult as their bodies are confined and may be difficult to coax gas out. Swaddling can make babies very sleepy so it may interfere with their ability to gulp down a full feeding. 

Walk Around with the Baby

Try taking a short walk around with the baby after feeding to help them burp after feeding. Make sure you are carrying and supporting the baby safely and heavily walk around to get the air out. If you need a little extra help, walking up and down some stairs can add a little more pressure to get the air out.

Related Link: Reheating Breastmilk: What You Need to Know

Massage Baby’s Belly

A belly massage can do wonders to help expel wind from your baby after feeding. This can be done by laying the baby down and gently massaging the area underneath the baby’s ribcage in a circular motion using your fingers while gently pressing down on the belly with the fingers. These motions help stimulate the baby’s digestive system and encourage it to release all that uncomfortable gas.

Take care not to press down too hard while massaging the baby. Pay attention to your baby as you massage them and stop at any signs of pain or discomfort. When you are finished with the massage, pick the baby up and alternate between rubbing their back and gentle pats to get any last remnants of gas out.

a parent moving a baby’s legs around

Move their Legs Around

Sometimes simply putting a baby on their back and moving their legs around will help them get that last bit of painful gas out. This is as simple as moving their legs and feet around as if they were pedaling a tiny bicycle for about a minute at a time.

This motion helps the muscles in their abdomens flex and contract, which helps expel gas. Try combining this with the belly massage for a gas-free baby.

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Make Sure You Have a Towel!

Make sure that you keep a towel on hand to clean up any mess that occurs during burping. Keep the towel on your shoulder or lap when you are burping in those positions. If you are burping your baby while they are sitting up, make sure you put a bib or towel on their chest to catch any spittle.

Know When to Burp Your Baby

Well, my dear parent-in-arms, we've covered a lot of ground today. We’ve learned that navigating the gassy landscapes of babyhood involves a good dose of patience, love, and – most importantly – burping skills. And you're now equipped with knowledge to relieve your little one's discomfort and to keep those pesky gas bubbles at bay. Remember, it's all about vigilance during and after those precious meal times. Watch out for those signs: fussiness, squirming, or your baby pulling away from the bottle or breast. These little cues are your baby's way of saying, "Hey, I need a little burp break here!"

And if those mealtimes get a bit tricky? No worries, just try a good old burp session before you dive back into feeding. It’s like pressing the reset button for their tiny tummies.

Now, let's be honest. As parents, we are always looking for ways to make life a bit easier and more joyful, aren't we? I've got a little secret that could make your parenting journey not just smoother, but more exciting too. Have you thought about getting a baby subscription box? It's like receiving a surprise gift every month – filled with handpicked items tailored to your baby's age and developmental stage.

Imagine the joy of unwrapping a box packed with baby essentials, delightful toys, and charming clothes that fit your little one just right. Not to mention, it's a huge time-saver and ensures you have all the baby essentials you need, right when you need them. If you haven't tried it yet, consider giving it a go. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

You're doing an incredible job, and we're here to help every step of the way. So why not take a leap and give the baby subscription box a shot? You might just find it’s the cherry on top of your extraordinary parenting journey! Keep rocking the parent life, and remember, every burp is a step towards a happier, more comfortable baby.

What to read next

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