7 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Tips for a Healthy First Trimester

It's normal to have a million and one thoughts flooding your head the moment you learn you're expecting. In the first three months of pregnancy, what can I expect? Where can I find advice on raising a robust and healthy infant? You've just begun an amazing adventure at week seven of your pregnancy. Let's review the most typical symptoms women experience around the seventh-week mark.

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Your Baby at 7 Weeks

At 7 weeks, your baby is rapidly developing inside of you. Although you may not have any outward signs of pregnancy yet, inside your little one's body, major organs are starting to form. The heart is beating, the brain is developing, and the liver, stomach, and kidneys are beginning to take shape. In just a few short weeks, you should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat at your prenatal appointment—an exciting milestone for any expectant mother. Though you may not be able to feel your baby's kicks and jabs just yet, rest assured that your little one is growing and thriving in the earliest stages of life.

  • The Brain: The brain is undergoing a growth spurt this week, causing it to become more complex. According to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), it grows 100,000 new cells per minute and has two hemispheres.
  • Significant Growth: Your infant's size has doubled in the past week, demonstrating a rapid rate of expansion.
  • Developing digestive system: According to the CDC, the intestines are expanding into the umbilical cord as they grow larger. Around the eleventh week, they'll locate their proper location.
  • Arm and leg joints: The embryo has developed arms and legs and is beginning to form joints.

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7 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

  • Morning sickness: Morning sickness is a common symptom for over 80% of pregnant people in their first trimester, often accompanied by vomiting. But don't let the name fool you – it can strike anytime, not just in the morning. To keep it under control, try eating smaller, more frequent meals, sipping water throughout the day, and avoiding lying down immediately after eating. The good news is that these symptoms usually subside by the second trimester, so hang in there!
  • Pregnancy Fatigue: At this point in your pregnancy, seven weeks along, you probably feel pretty exhausted. Pregnancy fatigue is a common early-stage symptom that can be challenging to cope with. There may not be much you can do to eliminate it entirely, but there are some things you can do to keep your strength levels steady. The best thing you can do is to eat well and frequently, making sure to consume enough complex carbohydrates and protein at each meal. Keeping your energy levels steady can also be achieved through healthy lifestyle choices like drinking plenty of water and exercising (if you feel up to it). You should let yourself rest when you feel exhausted because your body is working very hard right now.
  • Bloating: At 7 weeks pregnant, bloating is a common symptom that many expectant mothers experience. Thanks to the pregnancy hormone progesterone, your body’s digestion slows down, leaving you feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Though it may feel embarrassing, passing gas is a natural side effect of bloating during pregnancy. Taking steps to control it, however, is important. Avoiding carbonated drinks, fatty or fried foods, and instead opting for smaller meals eaten more frequently, drinking plenty of water, and taking the time to chew your food properly can help keep embarrassing moments at bay. While bloating can be uncomfortable, it’s important to remember that it’s a normal part of the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea and Excess Saliva: During pregnancy, a woman’s body is constantly changing, which can bring about a range of symptoms, including diarrhea and excess saliva. Diarrhea can be caused by hormone changes, changes in diet or even a stomach bug. However, it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and juice, as well as eating brothy soups. If symptoms persist for more than two days, it’s best to call your doctor. Excess saliva, on the other hand, can be attributed to the body’s natural defense mechanism against stomach acids that can occur during the first trimester. To manage this uncomfortable symptom, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water, using mouthwash and brushing teeth often. Chewing gum is also a helpful technique to contain the excessive drool.

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Tips For The First Trimester

happy couple smiling

The first trimester of pregnancy can be an overwhelming and exciting time for expectant mothers. With the physical and emotional changes that come with growing a tiny human, it can be challenging to know where to start taking care of yourself and your growing baby. To help navigate this period, it's important to prioritize getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, and staying hydrated. While morning sickness can make eating a challenge, snacking frequently and keeping crackers or ginger on hand can help combat nausea. Additionally, taking prenatal vitamins and attending regular doctor appointments can ensure that you and your baby receive the necessary care throughout this crucial time of development. By taking these simple steps, you can lay a strong foundation for a healthy pregnancy and a happy, thriving baby.

Need more advice about caring for your baby? Check out 123 Baby Box for more tips. 

Getting Through The First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is filled with a wide range of physical and emotional changes that can be overwhelming. Taking time to understand what's going on with both your body and emotions will make it much easier to handle these adjustments. Being open to asking questions along the way can help provide valid answers that will make sure you have the information necessary for a safe and successful start of your baby's life. As always, it's best to check in with your doctor or healthcare provider if you ever have any signs or symptoms that appear concerning. Now that you know what to expect during your first trimester, don't hesitate to begin taking steps to ensure a safe journey through motherhood!

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