Newborn Pimples: Is My Baby Getting Acne Already?

Your newborn has finally made their grand entrance into the world. And within this time, you’ll enjoy being a new parent and studying every detail of their unique features. 

However, during one of your moments of staring at them, you notice tiny little bumps all over them. Doing a closer investigation, you conclude that these little bumps are acne. But how on earth could this happen to a newborn child? Everyone knows that acne starts in the teenage years; how can it happen so soon?

If you’re surprised by your baby’s acne, you shouldn’t be because it’s a common condition. Although, most parents are shocked at how could their little one get acne this early in life. In this article, we’re to tell you everything you need to know about newborn pimples

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Newborn Pimples: What Is It?

Newborn pimples are basically an infant version of acne. It is also known as neonatal acne. 

The condition often appears between the ages of two to five weeks of age. However, it can sometimes happen between three to six months. 

In addition, baby acne will happen within 3 to 10 babies. So it’s a fairly common skin rash that occurs in most babies. Of course, pimples appear in the same areas as a teen or adult. Pimples on newborns will appear on most areas of the face, back, and shoulders.

Why Do Some Newborns Get Pimples?

Many experts are confused about why some newborns get acne. So the extract cause is unknown. However, one reason may be due to inflammation that’s caused by yeast. 

During the newborn stage, yeast on the skin can overgrow and cause rashes to appear. Often, this can be treated with antifungal medication.

Another reason why newborn pimples happen is the oil glands become overstimulated in the outside world. While in your stomach, your newborn is protected by the placenta, which helps regulate hormones. 

Now that they are out, their body must learn how to do it on their own. Unfortunately, sometimes they may struggle with this leading to common skin conditions. 

What Do Pimples Look Like in Newborns?

Pimples on newborns will look like pustules or tiny red bumps. They often appear on the cheeks, nose, eyelids, and forehead. Unlike adults and teens, newborns do not experience pimples like whiteheads and blackheads.

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Can You Prevent Newborn Pimples From Happening?

No, you can not prevent pimples from happening to your newborns. Also, there are no remedies or medicine to prevent the condition. The most you can do is wait for the pimples to clear on their own. 

However, You can help protect your child's sensitive skin by taking specific steps. For one, always ensure you're using clean blankets or any other fabrics that are free from laundry residue. This will prevent further irritations to your newborn's skin.

Also, make sure you're not washing your newborn's blankets, sheets, and clothing with harsh chemicals. There are baby-made laundry detergents that can ensure no harsh chemicals affect a newborn's skin.

When bathing your newborn, use mild soap and pat dry the affected areas. Lastly, avoid using moisturizers or oils on your baby's skin. 

These products can have a greasy formula and cause the pimples to break out more. However, if you must use a moisturizer, make sure it's a light formula. 




How Long Do Newborn Pimples Last?


Baby acne does not last for as long as pimples would on an adult or teenager. The condition is usually temporary and can last up to four months. 

In addition, baby pimples often do not leave scars when they go away. So, once the acne clears up, your baby's face will be as smooth as their bottom.

When Should You Contact a Doctor for the Condition?

Usually, there is no need to contact the pediatrician about baby acne. However, you should schedule an appointment if the condition does not improve within four to six months. 

In addition, if you notice peeling skin, blisters, or irritability in your child, you should become concerned. Lastly, if your child is running at a high temperature and just not feeling well, then contact the doctor immediately.

The pediatrician can determine if the rash is baby acne or something more serious. In some cases, baby acne can be confused with other skin conditions, such as eczema or heat rash. However, your child's doctor can determine this during an examination. 

Lastly, avoiding over-the-counter medication often used to treat acne is best. These products can be too harmful to your newborn's sensitive skin.

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Infantile Acne Is More Concerning

During the newborn stage, baby acne is nothing to worry about. However, at times the condition is become concerning if your child develops pimples between three to six months of age.

Sometimes, developing acne at this age could be due to a skin infection. Furthermore, any underlying medical conditions may need to be checked out. Therefore, if your baby is developing acne around this age and the situation seems worse, it's essential to contact your pediatrician.

Your pediatrician can refer you to a dermatologist who can help find the underlying cause of infantile acne. They can conduct blood work, exams, and other tests for your child. As soon as they discover the problem, you will be able to receive medication that will help clear up the acne and prevent scarring. 

Newborn Pimples Are a Mild Condition That You Don’t Need To Worry About

As shocking as it may seem to find out your newborn is suffering from acne, the condition is harmless. After a while, newborn pimples will go away on their own. 

Just be sure to take extra care of your little one's skin during this time. Don't use harsh products, and keep their clothing, fabrics, and blankets extra clean.

What to read next

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