Christian Velitchkov

How Prenatal Physical Therapy Can Help You Have a Healthier Pregnancy

For many expecting mothers, the physical and emotional changes during pregnancy can be exciting and overwhelming. Over time, the additional weight of a growing baby can take its toll on your body, leading to aches and pains in your back, hips, abdomen, and other areas. Fortunately, prenatal physical therapy provides safe and effective pain relief while helping you prepare for labor through pelvic floor strengthening exercises, breathing techniques, postural corrections, and more. Whether you're dealing with complications or want to maintain healthy habits throughout your pregnancy journey—read on to learn how prenatal physical therapy can help you have a healthier pregnancy!

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What Can Prenatal Physical Therapy Help With?

Pregnancy can come with many discomforts, but prenatal physical therapy can help alleviate many of them. If you're experiencing low back pain, sciatica, pubic symphysis pain, sacroiliac joint pain, diastasis recti, or pelvic floor issues like bladder or bowel leakage, constipation, hemorrhoids, or varicose veins in the vulva, reaching out to a physical therapist can make a big difference. Not only can they help treat these symptoms, but seeking treatment sooner rather than later can mean shorter recovery time and a lower risk of injury or prolonged discomfort. Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is crucial for both your health and the health of your baby, so don't hesitate to reach out for support.

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Can Prenatal Physical Therapy Help with Postpartum?

Welcoming a new baby into the world can bring about many changes in a mother's body, and the immediate postpartum period can be particularly challenging. Along with the joy of a new arrival, many women experience physical discomforts, such as bladder leakage, pelvic pain, and vaginal pressure. These symptoms can be not only unpleasant but also interfere with daily life and even intimacy. Fortunately, physical therapy can help alleviate these issues by targeting your pelvic floor muscles. For many new mothers, physical therapy can make a difference in their postpartum recovery.


Best Prenatal Physical Therapy Exercises

As a new mom, the physical transition of pregnancy and childbirth can take a toll on your body, but physical therapy can help alleviate some of the strain. The best physical therapy exercises for prenatal and postpartum periods are designed to help you build strength and support in the specific muscle groups essential for carrying your baby's weight, both before and after birth. You can expect your physical therapist to guide you through exercises focusing on the glutes, inner thighs, upper back, core, and pelvic floor muscles. By practicing these exercises regularly, you can help reduce your risk of injury and maintain good posture, making you and your baby more comfortable.

To strengthen your core while minimizing the risk of diastasis recti, unilateral and anti-rotation movements are great options. Your physical therapist can guide you through these exercises and ensure you get the most out of them without putting unnecessary stress on your abdominals. Additionally, pelvic floor strengthening can help prevent potential issues during pregnancy and after delivery. This might include Kegels, perineal massage, and relaxation techniques. By prioritizing your physical health, you can better care for yourself and your new baby.

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Therapist touching pregnant lady belly

When Not to Do Prenatal Physical Therapy

Taking care of your health during pregnancy is essential not only for yourself but also for the baby growing within you. While physical therapy can help address pregnancy-related pain and discomfort, it's crucial to consult your healthcare provider before starting any form of therapy. Some pregnancy-related conditions can make physical therapy unsafe or even harmful. If you have an incompetent cervix, preeclampsia, ruptured membranes, placenta previa, preterm labor, persistent vaginal bleeding, or a high risk of premature labor, it would be best to avoid physical therapy. Similarly, if you experience severe bleeding and passing of large clots, fever, signs of infection around your C-section incision, severe headache, or shortness of breath, physical therapy may not be safe for you then. Always prioritize your health and the health of your baby, and consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new activity during pregnancy.

Look for a physical therapist trained in obstetrics and with experience working with pregnant patients. A skilled physical therapist can help you strengthen your muscles, prevent pregnancy-related conditions, and prepare your body for the arrival of your baby. By seeing the right physical therapist, you can feel confident that you're receiving high-quality care that prioritizes the health and well-being of both you and your baby.

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Ensuring a Healthier Pregnancy Through Prenatal Physical Therapy

Prenatal physical therapy can help make your pregnancy much more enjoyable, healthy, and safe for you and your baby. A blend of experienced medical advice, hands-on treatment, and comprehensive postnatal care can provide essential relief during various stages of pregnancy. Furthermore, rehabilitation specialists such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists can offer safe physical exercise programs centered around the needs of pregnant women that can help strengthen the body in preparation for labor and delivery. For those wanting to take their health into their own hands during their pregnancy, getting the services of a prenatal physical therapist is a great choice you'll benefit from in the long run. Don't forget to talk to an expert today about how you can start feeling better with these kinds of treatments today!

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