Cold Weather Safety Tips for Your Kids

Did you know that children need roughly sixty minutes of physical activity daily? While it's usually easy to get this activity in during the Summer, it gets more challenging once Winter rolls around. 

If your children are going to play outside in cold or snowy weather, it's vital to teach them to do it safely. Otherwise, they could get sick or injured. But what cold weather safety tips should your kids know? Parents that want to see the answer to this question are in the right guide. 

We'll walk you through the things you need to know about keeping your kids safe once a snowstorm comes by. 

Why Are Children More Susceptible to Cold Weather? 

Children are much more susceptible to cold weather than us adults. This is because their bodies are much smaller than ours. As such, they lose heat at a much quicker rate. 

On top of that, kids also tend to run outside when they're in the cold more. This can cause them to get tired. And, if they're having fun, they won't want to come inside. 

Safety Tips for Protecting Your Kids in Cold Weather

Kids are going to want to play in the snow and cold weather. But they can do it safely, so it can put your mind at ease. Follow these safety tips before sending the kids outside. 

1. Layer Up Their Clothes

First, you want to ensure your kids have enough clothes on. That means layering things like shirts and sweaters overcoats. Also, remember to ensure that their hands, head, and neck are fully covered. These are the areas that are most susceptible to frostbite. 

Make sure you layer up early as soon as the weather turns cold. For example, Halloween might seem early to layer up. But often the weather can turn quite cold. 

When you combine this with the lack of coverage from costumes, it can lead to cold children. So try to incorporate warm clothing into their outfit. 

Related: How to Help If Your Baby's Nose is Stuffy

2. Check the Weather Forecast

Always check the weather on your phone or through the weather channel before your kids go outside to play. And don't just check what the weather currently is. See if any bad weather or temperature drops are expected. 

If the weather looks nasty, don't let your kids go outside. Instead, give them some fun indoor activities that they can do. That way, they still get their daily exercise without needing to go outside. 

Remember that warm weather can be just as dangerous as cold weather. Read this guide for keeping your child safe during the summer months. 

3. Tell Them to Play Safe

If it's a snow day, your kids may plan on sledding or doing a similar activity. If they want to do this, make sure that they're safe. Tell them they should never sled on or near roads. Make sure they also watch out for ice. This can prevent a slipping hazard for children. 


Girl holding snow in her hands



4. Know the Warning Signs

When it comes to cold weather conditions, there are two things you need to worry about: frostbite and hypothermia. Frostbite occurs when the skin and tissue below it freezes. Frostbitten skin can turn a white or greyish color. 

It's likely to be accompanied by a burning or numb sensation in the skin. You should take your child to the emergency room if this sensation doesn't go away. 

Hypothermia is much worse when your child's body temperature falls below normal levels. If your child is shivering, sluggish, or clumsy, then call 911 as soon as you can. Hypothermia is a medical emergency, and it should be treated as such. 

Related: Infant Tylenol Dosage by Weight & Age Chart

5. Make Sure They're Hydrated

Just because a child is in the cold doesn't mean they can't get dehydrated. The dry air that comes with Winter can cause them to lose more water through their breath. That's why you can often see water vapor when you exhale in cold water. 

Make sure your kids drink water or sports drink while playing outside in the snow. And, when they're done, consider making them some soup or a similar hydrating dinner. 

How to Get the Best Winter Baby Products

Your child is only as safe as the products you get for them. That's why it's vital to do your research to find products that can withstand the cold for them. But what about if you don't have time to do this research? Don't feel bad. 

As parents, we know that your schedule is likely swamped. That's why we make it easy for busy individuals to get quality products for their children. 

Just look at these Nuby Snekz Comfortable Rubber Sole Sock Shoes. You can buy winter products like this on your own or wait for our subscription box to include one. 

Want access to the best products for your child that money can buy? Get started with 123 Baby Box to make your life as a parent so much easier. 

Related: 10 Best Learning Activities for 2-Year-Olds


Mother pulling child in a sled


The Importance of Cold Weather Safety for Kids

It's important to never underestimate the power of cold weather. Doing so could cost you or your children their lives. Just look at the recent blizzard that occurred in Buffalo, New York. It killed thirty-nine people, mainly because people were unsure of how to respond to cold weather. 

As parents, we can't prevent every accident from happening to our children. But we can make sure that they're prepared in the event of the unexpected. Following these cold weather safety tips is a great way to make sure your child stays warm and safe whenever they go outside. 

What to read next

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