What Are the Stages of Labor? Everything You Need to Know

For many expecting mothers and families, labor is the culmination of nine months of worry and anticipation. As much as you try to prepare, it's impossible to know precisely what labor will be like until it happens in real time. With all the resources available online and through healthcare providers, there can often be more questions than answers when it comes time for your labor experience. That's why we created this comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about labor from start to finish!

The Stages of Labor

When it comes to giving birth, a woman can expect to go through several stages of labor. The first stage includes three phases: early labor, active labor, and transition phase. During early labor, the woman's cervix dilates, and contractions start. Active labor is when the cervix is dilated 6 centimeters or more, and the contractions become stronger and more frequent. The last phase of the first stage is the transition phase, where the cervix reaches 10 centimeters, and the woman may experience intense contractions and physical discomfort. The second stage is when the woman begins to push, and the baby's head begins to descend and ultimately is delivered. The third stage marks the delivery of the placenta, which signals the end of labor and the baby's birth. While each labor is unique to the woman experiencing it, understanding the stages of labor can help expectant mothers feel more prepared for what to expect during the delivery process.

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First Stage

Labour is a complex and multi-stage process that begins with the cervix softening and opening gradually over time. During the early stages, it can be challenging to distinguish labor from discomfort. However, as the cervix continues to thin and open, you may experience mild discomfort or pain. It's essential to remember that every labor is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all timeline or pattern for contractions during this stage. Ultimately, the first stage of labor concludes when the cervix has opened to around 10 centimeters, and your body is ready to move on to the next stage of childbirth.

During early labor, you may experience symptoms that signal your childbirth journey's start. One of the most common is a bloody show. Along with this, you may also experience lower back pain, as well as pain that feels like period pain that continues to go and come back. Some women also experience loose bowel movements, and it's not unusual to feel the urge to vomit. One of the more obvious signs that you're going into labor is either a sudden or slow leak of fluid from the vagina, known as your water breaking. Make sure to keep an eye on the color of this fluid. It should be clear and/or light pink. If you notice any greenish or bloody color, it could indicate a problem with the baby, and you should seek medical attention immediately.

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Pregnant lady in labor

Early labor is a crucial time for your body as it prepares for the onset of birth. To ease yourself through this process, you can do a few things. You should stay at home for as long as possible, allowing your body to work naturally. Regular snacking will help you maintain your energy levels, while rest is essential to refuel. In addition, taking relaxing baths or showers and emptying your bowels can all help to ease the discomfort you may be experiencing. As you move closer to the next stage of labor, your pain will intensify and become more frequent. Once there are less than 3-5 minutes between each wave, get to the hospital ASAP.

Knowing when to go to the hospital during labor can be confusing, but it's essential to trust your instincts and seek medical advice if you're unsure or worried. One call to your hospital could put your mind at ease by allowing you to talk through your symptoms with a midwife. If labor is suspected, the midwife will ask specific questions about your contractions to determine how far along you are in the process. If you experience strong indications of labor, such as your water breaking, steady contractions, or bleeding, contacting the hospital immediately is recommended. Remember, seeking help is always better than waiting too long.

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Second Stage

The second stage of labor is a critical period that begins when the cervix is fully dilated. During this stage, contractions become longer and stronger. You will have one to two-minute breaks between each contraction. You may also experience more pressure in your bottom and have the urge to push. In addition to these sensations, you may experience cramps, shakes, vomiting, and burning vaginal sensation. Although the second stage of labor can be challenging, it is also a time of great excitement. Knowing what to expect can help you feel prepared for the journey ahead.

During the second stage of labor, there are a variety of things you can do to manage the pain and discomfort. First and foremost, focus on your contractions and try to rest in between. This will allow your body to recuperate and gather energy for the next contraction. You can also  let your body do what it craves to do. Don't try to control every aspect of the process; instead, focus on relaxing and letting your body do the work.

Additionally, experimenting with different positions can be helpful. Another option is to take a bath or shower, which can help you to relax and manage the pain—finally, keeping your fluid intake up, and resting when you can are essential factors to consider during this stage. Remember to listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

Pregnant woman about to give birth

Pushing during childbirth may seem daunting, but it is essential to delivering your baby. Not only does it require a lot of physical strength and endurance, but it can also be mentally challenging. However, pushing is not only crucial for bringing your baby into the world, but it can also positively affect your fitness and health. This phase of labor can help strengthen your pelvic muscles and increase your endurance, making it an excellent workout for your body. Listen to your body's natural urges and trust your healthcare provider to guide you. Remember, pushing may be difficult, but the rewards of a healthy baby can make it all worth it.

Need more advice about caring for your baby? Check out 123 Baby Box for more tips. 

Third Stage

The third stage of labor is a crucial aspect of childbirth that focuses on completing the process. While this may not be the most glamorous part of the journey towards motherhood, it is essential in ensuring the fitness and health of both mother and baby. During this stage, you will experience additional contractions that aid in the delivery of the placenta. It is normal to feel a sense of fullness in your vagina during this time. Your midwife will often assist you by pulling on the cord to deliver the placenta, but may also ask for your help by gently pushing. Remember, the third stage may be challenging, but it is a necessary step towards bringing new life into the world.

Everything You Need to Know About the Stages of Labor

Knowledge of the stages of labor makes it possible to have an informed delivery. Before labor begins, ensure you know where your preferred birthing facility is and have an established plan with your birthing team. Taking a childbirth class should be part of this preparation; the goal should be to ensure you are comfortable and informed. Once labor begins, timing contractions, calling your providers, and focusing on calming techniques will help ease the process.

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