Postpartum Shaking: What Is Normal and What Is Not

Are you expecting a baby soon? If so, did you know that shaking is actually normal after giving birth? Postpartum shaking can occur due to hormones and the exhaustion of labor, but it’s important to be aware of what is normal behavior and when medical attention might be needed. In this blog post, we will explore what postpartum shaking is, what constitutes troubling signs, as well as how to help reduce its occurrence going forward. 

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What is Postpartum Shaking and How Common Is It

Postpartum shaking, also called postpartum tremors or birth tremors, is a phenomenon that affects many new mothers shortly after giving birth to a baby. It presents as physical trembling of the hands, head and body and is believed to be caused by the release of hormones during labor; adrenaline coursing through the body can cause an uncontrollable trembling. Other possible causes include lack of sleep, fatigue from labor and delivery, dehydration due to breastfeeding or stress over parenting duties. While this often goes away after a short time, it can last for days in certain cases. It is important for new mothers to know about this phenomenon so that they can better manage any symptoms or distress related to postpartum shaking.

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Symptoms of Postpartum Shaking

pregnant woman who just gave birth smiling with baby and doctor

Postpartum shakes may include trembling, shaking, twitching, or jitteriness. The intensity of the shaking can vary from person to person but is typically mild and does not last long. Postpartum shakes may occur when you least expect them – when you’re holding your baby, changing a diaper, or doing any other activity related to caring for your child. 

While postpartum shaking is usually harmless, it’s important that expecting parents familiarize themselves with the signs and symptoms so they can recognize if their partner might be experiencing something more serious than just post-pregnancy hormones adjusting back down. If you experience any of these following signs along with the shaking it could be an indication of a more serious issue such as postpartum depression: 

  • low moods throughout most days
  • difficulty bonding with baby
  • feeling overwhelmed; trouble sleeping
  • feeling like you're unable to care for yourself properly
  • suicidal thoughts
  • lack of energy throughout most days
  • difficulty concentrating on anything other than baby; loss of appetite
  • persistent feelings of sadness and anxiousness etc.

In these cases it's important that you seek medical help immediately from either your doctor or therapist who specializes in maternal mental health issues such as post-partum depression/anxiety. 

When to Seek Medical Attention for Postpartum Shaking

Although it is normal, postpartum shaking can also be a sign of a more serious issue such as postpartum preeclampsia or hemorrhage. New mothers should seek medical attention if the shaking lasts for more than a few days and is accompanied by other symptoms including dizziness, fever, and excessive fatigue. If left unattended, postpartum complications can progress and require emergency medical care. It’s best to err on the side of caution by talking to your health care provider if you have any concerns about your postpartum state of health. 

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Treatment Options for Postpartum Shaking

pregnant woman with postpartum shaking in hospital

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for postpartum shaking that can help expecting mothers take control of their symptoms and gain peace of mind during this time in their lives. Here are some common treatments for postpartum shaking:

  • Relaxation TechniquesRelaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation have been shown to reduce the severity of postpartum shaking in some women. It’s important to find a technique that works for you and stick with it over time so you can build up your relaxation skill set!
  • Physical Therapy – Physical therapy has also been shown to reduce the intensity of postpartum shaking in some women by strengthening weak muscles and increasing flexibility. Talk to your doctor about whether physical therapy might be right for you!
  • Support Groups – Connecting with other people who understand what you’re going through can be incredibly helpful when coping with postpartum issues like postpartum shaking. Look into local support groups or online forums where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences as you!   

Taking control of your symptoms is an important part of managing any health issue, including postpartum shaking. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution—it’s up to you and your healthcare team to decide what treatment plan is best for you!  

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Understanding Postpartum Shaking

In the grand theater of life, there's an act that not many talk about: the trembling dance of new mothers, often known as postpartum shaking. As the curtains lift, revealing the swirling emotions and physical changes that new mothers endure, it's important to recognize this dance as a normal part of the unfolding drama.

Imagine, if you will, a ship on the high seas. Just as a vessel might shake and tremble under the force of the ocean waves, so too does a mother's body in the immediate aftermath of childbirth. However, being the captain of this ship doesn't mean you have to weather the storm alone.

When the winds of anxiety blow, when the waves of overwhelm crash, remember, there's a lighthouse beacon shining just for you. Reach out for that light, call upon its support, its understanding, its warmth. You're never alone in this journey, and asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength.

In your hand, you hold a magical compass. This compass points to resources, tools, and strategies to help you sail through these choppy waters. It can guide you towards developing coping strategies to manage stress, or point out signs of depression or anxiety. If the shaking persists beyond the postpartum phase, your compass will guide you to the right shore of professional help.

Follow this light towards the website that's an island of knowledge. It's a sanctuary where new parents can find an array of tips on providing the best love and care for their tiny sailors. However, this island isn't just about baby care; it's a place where moms matter too.

So, dear mom, set sail today and navigate the high seas of parenting with the confidence that comes from knowledge and self-care. Discover how to support not just your baby, but yourself too. Remember, you're not just the captain of your child's ship but of your own as well. Visit our website today and chart a course towards a healthy, joyful life together with your little one. This is your journey, your act in the grand theater of life. Dance your dance, dear mom, and remember - you are not alone.

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