Your Baby's First-Year Sleep Schedule: Tips and Ideas

You and your baby are journeying to discover the secrets of a peaceful and restful night's sleep! Sure, it may seem daunting, with endless nights of exhaustion and early mornings that never seem to end. But fear not! With our expert tips and tricks, this journey will be thrilling and filled with excitement and wonder.

Introducing a sleep schedule to your little one during their first year is a journey like no other, full of revelations and joy. And we're here to help you every step of the way! By creating a plan for your baby's sleeping habits, you're setting them up for a lifetime of healthy and restful sleep. Imagine the stories they'll tell when they're older, reminiscing on those nights of bonding and peace.

So why wait? Let's embark on this exhilarating journey together, hand in hand with your little one, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Are you ready to dive into the world of sleep schedules? Let's go!

baby sleeping

First Two Months of the Baby's Life

You've returned home from the hospital with your newborn, and it may seem like all your child wants to do is sleep. Throughout the first several months, your infant will sleep up to 15–16 hours daily.

Yet, these forays into the land of nod will occur in several tiny pieces revolving around the cycle of eating, defecating, and sleeping. This may allow you to get a few winks during the day while your kid sleeps, but a newborn's need for frequent feedings means they are typically awake every 2–3 hours throughout the day and night.

Why so much food? The first 10 to 14 days of a newborn's life are spent regaining their natal weight. Around this period, it may be necessary to wake up a sleeping infant. 

After they have returned to their birth weight, your doctor will likely tell you that you no longer need to wake your baby at night to feed them. This may enable you to go longer between nighttime feedings.

It is common for breastfed newborns to wake every 3 to 4 hours to eat, even if you are not waking them. Some infants may accomplish a longer stretch of around six hours at three months, so continuous sleep may be on the horizon.

Babies cannot distinguish between the day and night cycles. During the day, you may provide more simulation and light to facilitate this process.

Provide a calm, dark atmosphere for nighttime sleep, and place your baby in a crib when tired but not quite asleep to establish excellent sleeping habits.

Want to make sure your baby has the proper sleep schedule? Check out our  baby subscription box to help you out!

Three to Five Months of the Baby's Life

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After the first 6 to 8 weeks as a parent, you will likely see that your infant is more attentive and wants to spend more time engaging with you. About this time, you may also notice that your child no longer takes a nap and sleeps around one hour less each day.

Sleep patterns will also evolve when the intervals between sleep cycles get longer. During the night, at least one stretch of six or more hours of sleep may begin to emerge. You may encourage this and will not require to wake your child unless instructed by a doctor.

Continue to put your child to sleep when they are sleepy. This will set the stage for future success and help educate your newborn to self-soothe.

If you have not yet established bedtime rituals, you might consider doing so now. When your kid starts to experience sleep regressions and developmental leaps, these routines may be lifesavers.

Just as your baby settles into a rhythmic pattern of one or two nighttime awakenings, you may notice they return to waking up more regularly. They may also resume daytime naps of reduced duration. Here are some critical indicators that the four-month sleep decline has started.

While this is referred to as sleep regression, it is really a sign that your baby is growing, so have faith that better sleep is on the horizon!

Related: Baby Won’t Sleep, What Should I Do?

Six to Eight Months of the Baby's Life

At six months, most babies can sleep through the night without feeding. If this isn't the case for you, know that it's common for some infants to get up at least once throughout the night.

At about 6 to 8 months, you may also notice that your kid is ready to lose one or two naps. Yet, they will likely continue to sleep 3 to 4 hours throughout the day since daytime sleep may occur in longer segments.

Once your child develops separation anxiety at six months of age, another sleep regression may occur. If you haven't been encouraging your baby to fall asleep independently, this may be a challenging time to start.

Instead of removing your kid from the crib, try massaging the top of their head and quietly singing to let them know you're there.

Related: Where Should My Newborn Sleep?

Nine Months to One Year Old

baby sleeping

You and your infant should have developed a solid daytime and evening sleep schedule by nine months. At about nine months of age, your baby sleeps between 9 and 12 hours every night. Also, they likely have morning and afternoon sleep totaling three to four hours.

Once your baby reaches crucial developmental milestones between the ages of 8 and 10 months, it is normal to undergo another sleep regression process.

Your baby may have difficulty falling asleep or take shorter naps when they begin to teethe, crawl or stand up, and hear new noises. If you continue to adhere to the habits you've set, your infant should quickly revert to their regular sleep patterns.

Want to make sure your baby has the proper sleep schedule? Check out our  baby subscription box to help you out!

Final Thoughts on the Perfect Sleep Schedule

Are you ready for a challenge? Because getting your little one on a sleep schedule is no easy task, but it's a journey worth every second! You'll need patience, determination, and a few tricks up your sleeve, but we're here to help you through the most challenging times. From fun and movement-based activities to exciting subscription boxes, we have all the tips and ideas to help you succeed!

Yes, it'll be exhausting, and there will be moments when you'll feel like giving up. But trust us; it'll all be worth it when your baby finally falls asleep with a look of pure bliss. You'll be filled with pride and accomplishment, knowing that you've helped your little one establish healthy sleep habits that will benefit them for years to come.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started on this exhilarating journey together! With our tips and your dedication, your baby will be sleeping like a dream in no time. From exciting subscription boxes to developmental milestones, we have all the tools you need to create the perfect sleep routine for your little one. So let's get to it and watch your baby thrive!


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