Best Bottle Warmers Review: Find the Best Brands

The list of baby essentials continues to grow. With demands on parents' time and energy, bottle warmers are more than a convenience. Even if your baby is breastfed, you will...


Newborn Won’t Sleep? Try These Tips

You’ve given them life, love, and security, and how does your newborn repay you? They refuse to sleep.  Don’t worry. It’s nothing personal.  Newborn babies...

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Advice for New Parents: 5 Things You Need to Know

Having a baby is one of the most magical and life-changing decisions that can transform your life in the best ways…but it’s also really challenging. ...

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Tongue Tie in Babies: What You Need to Know

Chance are, you've probably heard the metaphor of getting "tongue-tied," a metaphor meaning you're struggling to pronounce something correctly, and the good old tongue twisters...

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Green Poop in Babies: How to Stop It Quick & Easy

It's that time of the day again, you smell a terrible stench, and you notice your baby's diaper is getting slightly saggy. Of course, like...

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Pacifier Weaning: How & When to Do It

  It's time to wean your child from their pacifier, and you want them to succeed. However, there are some things to consider before you...

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How to Dream Feed: Better than a Lullaby

Dream feeding isn’t unlimited fine cuisine but a technique for feeding babies. The flipside is this tactic helps infants and sleep-deprived parents get more shuteye....

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How Many Diapers Does A Baby Use?

  It’s no joke that diapers save lives.  Diapers are your salvation when you’re in the trenches, elbow deep in doo-doo. Diapers keep your baby...

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Baby Won't Stop Crying? Here's What to Do

Anyone who has been around babies or young children for even a short time can agree on several things. One of these things is that...

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Baby Vision Guide: When Do Babies See Color?

  There are so many different things going on throughout a baby's early development. They see new things, hear new sounds, and smell new smells,...

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Tucked In: How to Dress Baby for Sleep

Dressing your baby for sleep may seem something that doesn’t require a lot of consideration. After bathtime, it’s often second nature for parents to grab...

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Teaching Self-Soothing: The Cry It Out Method

When you hear a baby cry, your first instinct is to spring into action. You will likely keep an ear out for it. It can...

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Baby Sounds Congested but Has No Mucus in Nose

Congestion isn’t fun for anyone. Yet you can breathe easier (pun intended) in knowing this is a very common condition that can be harmless and...

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When Will Your Baby's Eyes Change to Their Permanent Color?

Every little detail about your baby is fascinating when you're a new parent. You want to know everything there is to know about them –...

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Really Cool Nursery Ideas for Girls!


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Why Does My Baby Snore and Snoring Prevention?

(Image courtesy of Unsplash) The best part of being a parent is witnessing and cherishing the memories of watching your baby grow and develop. Babies...

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What To Do When Your Baby Fights Naps

(Image courtesy Unsplash) It's a bad and stereotypical joke now to mention that becoming a newborn parent requires the sacrifice of regular sleep for a...

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What to do if Your Toddler Won’t Stop Biting

Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash If you have a toddler that continues to bite, we have some tips that might help you curb this...

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The Ultimate Toddler Bedtime Routine!

  Photo by Tara Raye on Unsplash Having a toddler is one of the most joyous parts of our lives, but making sure they have...

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Baby Hair Loss Guide for Worried Moms

When your baby is born, your infant could have a wisp of hair or a full head of luscious locks. After a few months, you...

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Infant Tylenol Dosage by Weight & Age Chart

Your little one is still learning the commands of the English language. It would be easier for everyone if babies could just tell us what’s...

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How Long Is Formula Good For? [New Mom's Guide]

Sometimes you’re not able to breastfeed as much as you’d like. Whether it’s because of personal milk production or a busy work schedule, baby formula...

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Types of Diaper Rash: Identification & Treatment

Taking care of your little one’s health is a full-time job. When you notice a rash, your first instinct is to wonder where you went...

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Is Your Baby Teething? Use Our Teething Chart

When you have a baby, there will be many milestones. One of the greatest pleasures in life is watching your baby reach those critical points....

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The Different Types of Baby Poop

IMAGE SOURCE One of the most challenging aspects of parenting is mastering the chore of poop duty. While you may be tempted to hand your...

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Baby Yeast Infection On the Neck: How to Treat It

It’s no secret that a new baby is pretty helpless. Most newborns can’t hold their heads upright until they’re about four to six months old,...

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Baby Sleeping on Stomach? Here's When It's Safe

If you have struggled to get your baby to sleep, you are not alone. There are plenty of people giving out advice, especially when it...

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Thrush in Babies: Causes & Symptoms Explained

If you notice a white-like residue on your newborn, it could be thrush. While thrush often doesn't cause trouble, it can grow out of control....

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Baby Throwing Up With No Fever? What to Know Fast

Like any parent, you are concerned if your baby is throwing up without a fever. Baby vomiting is a common occurrence for many infants. There...

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Why Can't Babies Have Water? How to Know if They are Ready

When it is hot outside, you are ready to get quick hydration. You might want to give your baby a little water, but that could...

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Baby Spitting Up Clear Liquid? Here's When to Call a Doctor

When you become a new parent, many things can happen with your baby, which can cause fear and paranoia. Something that you likely didn’t plan...

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