When Will Your Baby's Eyes Change to Their Permanent Color?

baby with blue eyes chewing on a wooden block

Every little detail about your baby is fascinating when you're a new parent. You want to know everything there is to know about them – from when they'll start smiling, to when they'll begin to sit up, to when their eyes will change color.

A common question new parents often ask is when do babies' eyes change color? This article will explore some factors influencing a baby's eye color and answer the question.

What is Eye Color?

Eye color is the color of a person's iris. The iris surrounds the pupil and is the colored part of the eye. Eye color can vary from light brown to black, blue, green, and hazel. Some people have multiple colors in their eyes, while others have a single color.

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What Color Eyes Do Most Babies Have?

baby with blue eyes

Babies are usually born with blue or grey eyes. Most babies have light eyes for the first few months of life, regardless of the permanent color. When babies are born, the melanin pigment in their eyes has not yet had a chance to develop. When exposed to light, the melanin will begin to develop, and their eye color will change.

Why Do Babies' Eyes Change Color?

There are a few reasons why babies' eyes might change color. The most common cause is the amount of melanin in their eyes changes over time. Melanin determines color in the skin, hair, and eye cells. The amount of melanin in a person's eyes will determine what color their eyes will be.

The cells producing melanin are called melanocytes. The melanocytes in a person's eyes produce less melanin when they are born than when they are adults. Through light exposure, melanin production increases, and the baby's eye color darkens. People with more melanin in their eyes tend to have darker eye colors, while people with less melanin tend to have lighter eye colors.

How Can You Predict Your Baby's Eye Color?

While there is no surefire way to predict your baby's eye color, there are some things you can do to get a general idea. One thing you can do is look at your family's eye color history.

Genes determine the amount of melanin in a person's eyes. For example, if both of your parents have brown eyes, likely, you will also have brown eyes. If one of your biological parents has brown eyes and one has blue eyes, then you may have either blue or brown eyes.

Another thing you can do to predict eye color is look at your baby's skin tone. The darker a person's skin, the more likely they are to have dark eyes. It is because the melanin in their skin also affects the color of their eyes.

Several online calculators claim to be able to predict a baby's eye color based on the eye colors of the parents. However, these calculators are not always accurate. The only way to know what color your baby's eyes will be is to wait and see!

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How Do You Know If Your Baby's Eye Color Will Change?

a little girl with heterochromia

If you're curious about your baby's eye color and want to know if it will change, you can look for a few things. One thing you can do is observe the color of their eyes in different lighting conditions. If their eyes appear to be one color in dim lighting and another in bright light, their eye color will likely change.

You can also look for signs of heterochromia or when a person has two different colored eyes. Heterochromia is usually temporary, and the colors will eventually even out, but it can signify that your baby's eye color will change.

If you're still unsure whether your baby's eye color will change, you can always ask their doctor. They will be able to tell you if it's likely that your baby's eye color will vary or not.

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When Do Babies Eyes Change Color?

A few things can influence when your baby's eyes change color. One factor is how much melanin they have in their eyes. Babies with more melanin will usually see their eye color change sooner than babies with less melanin. Most babies' eyes change color between two and six months old.

Another factor is how much exposure your baby has to light. If they are exposed to bright light frequently, their eyes may start to change color sooner. Conversely, if they spend most of their time indoors or in dim lighting, their eyes may take longer to change color.

Finally, genes may also influence the rate at which your baby's eyes change color. Some babies' eyes will change color very quickly, while others' eyes may take longer to change. Sometimes, a baby's eyes may change color more than once before settling on their final hue. Most babies will have their final eye color by the time they are six months old, but it can take up to a year or more for some babies.

Every Baby is Different

So, when do babies' eyes change color? It depends! Some babies' eyes will change color when they are just a few months old, while others may not see their eye color change until they are a year old or older. Every baby is different and will experience eye color changes at its own pace. The best thing you can do is enjoy watching your baby grow and change!

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