35 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development and Changes to Your Body

Being pregnant is an incredible journey of growth and development for both you and your baby. As you approach the 35-week mark, many changes to your body are likely starting to become apparent as well as important developments in your growing baby. From feeling more aches and pains in the third trimester, to hearing the digestive system noises of your unborn child, this pivotal stage can feel daunting yet ultimately rewarding. Whether preparing for labor or coming up with baby names, these practical tips will help guide you through what to expect at 35 weeks so that you are informed of all the progress that’s being made.

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35 Week Pregnancy: Your Baby

There are only about five weeks left, and in that time, your baby has made some incredible developmental leaps. This is your baby at 35 weeks, and here's what you need to know.

  • Kidneys and liver: The kidneys and liver of your baby are developing normally and beginning to process nutrients, according to the latest research on fetal development.
  • Developmental Stagnation: Your baby's rate of growth slows down a little around this time. They're still gaining weight and looking appropriately plump, but their total height gain before birth will be limited to a few centimeters at most.
  • Listening: The sense of hearing in your infant has matured significantly. They are probably familiar with your voice by now, and maybe even your spouse's. Even your newborn might be startled by particularly loud or shrill noises.

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Your Pregnant Body at 35 Weeks

At 35 weeks pregnant, your body is preparing for the final stretch of pregnancy. Your uterus has made its way up your abdomen and is now nestled just below your rib cage. This movement means that your baby is also making some changes. Their movements may be more noticeable as they begin to prepare for their big debut into the world. However, they may feel different as there is less room for them to move around in your uterus. Remember to keep up with the baby's movements, even if they seem more like wiggles and squirms than sharp kicks. Pay attention to their movements and report any changes to your healthcare provider. As always, the wellbeing of your baby is of the utmost importance, so don't hesitate to reach out if something seems off.

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Symptoms of Being 35 Weeks Pregnant

a pregnant woman touching her stomach

Some of the following symptoms may occur around the 35th week of pregnancy:

Braxton Hicks Contractions

As you approach the end of your pregnancy journey, you may start to feel some uncomfortable tightening and cramping in your belly. These sensations are known as Braxton Hicks contractions, and they're a sign that your body is preparing for labor. While they may be unsettling at first, take comfort in the fact that they're completely normal and a common symptom at 35 weeks pregnant. These contractions, often described as a squeezing feeling, are your uterus practicing for the real deal when it's time for your baby to make their grand debut. So take a deep breath, remember to stay hydrated and keep an eye out for any signs that it may be time to get ready to meet your little one.

Shortness of Breath

As you approach 35 weeks pregnant, you may notice a new symptom creeping in: shortness of breath. This is a result of your growing baby crowding your lungs, which can leave you feeling winded even after simple tasks like climbing stairs. If your baby hasn't dropped yet, you may feel the effects of this even more acutely. It's important to listen to your body and take it easy when you need to, even if that means slowing down your pace a little. After all, no one wants to risk fainting when there's a little one on the way!

Sore Hips

As you approach the end of your pregnancy, your body is working hard to prepare for your baby's arrival. One of the symptoms you might experience at 35 weeks pregnant is sore hips. This is because your joints and ligaments are softening in order to make room for your little one's journey through the birth canal. Though it may be uncomfortable, remember that this is a natural and necessary process for your body and your baby. Take care of yourself and try to find some relief through gentle exercises or relaxation techniques. Soon enough, you'll be holding your precious bundle of joy in your arms.


At 35 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling more than a little tired. With your baby growing and thriving inside of you, your body is working overtime to support their growth - and that can be exhausting. Carrying around all of that extra weight can take a toll on your body, leaving you drained. And let’s not forget about sleep - which can be elusive and frustrating when your body is changing so rapidly. Even though it can be tough to get quality sleep at this stage, it’s important to rest whenever you can. Your baby is counting on you to take care of yourself during these final weeks of pregnancy.

Want to learn more about taking care of your little one? Visit our blog to learn more!

Understanding Your Body at 35 Weeks Pregnant

pregnant woman on a laptop

Brace yourself for a drumroll because you've touched down at the remarkable 35-week mark of your pregnancy journey! This is an electrifying chapter, lit up with anticipation, hope, and exhilarating instinctual desires to prepare every nook and cranny for your precious little one's arrival.

As you cruise through this final trimester, marveling at the miraculous workings of life, your knowledge about your baby's development and your body's phenomenal transformation is your navigational compass. But don't let it just be academic - it's time to transform that understanding into tangible preparation for your baby's dazzling debut!

Always remember, your body is a wise and intuitive messenger. Should it whisper or shout that something needs attention, heed its call. If it demands extra zzz's or a chat with your healthcare provider, do not dismiss its plea. There's nothing more rewarding than being in tune with your body during these magical times.

These last few weeks can seem to zip past in a blink of an eye! Soak in every moment, every flutter, and every anticipation. Cherish these golden weeks before you finally come face-to-face with your little bundle of joy.

Hungry for more guidance on this thrilling ride? Our blog is your go-to resource brimming with invaluable tips on caring for your baby. And as a top tip, consider our Baby Box Subscription! This monthly bundle of essentials will not only lighten your preparation load but also surround your little one with all the love and care they deserve. Adventure on, courageous mother-to-be, and we are thrilled to be with you on this joyous journey!

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