Navigating the 9-Month Sleep Regression: Tips and Advice

Parenthood is an exhilarating journey! From the sweet snuggles and adorable coos of your newborn to witnessing those magical first steps taken by your curious toddler, every moment is filled with wonder and excitement. 

It's a time for endless possibilities and growth, but let's be honest – parenting isn't always a smooth ride. Every developmental stage comes with its own challenges, and the 9 month sleep regression can be especially tricky to navigate. 

But fear not, new parents! We've got your back with all the tips and advice you need to make this transition as exciting and joyful as possible. So get ready to tackle this milestone head-on, and watch your little one thrive!

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sleepy baby

What is the 9 Month Sleep Regression?

The 9-month sleep regression lasts only a few weeks. During this time, your baby will suddenly have difficulty falling asleep. They will be awake many times at night. They may need some extra cuddles to get through the night. 

Regressions are different for each youngster. It's often linked to a developmental milestone jump. It does not always happen at nine months of age since babies cannot read calendars. Time is flexible for them. Yet, this regression often occurs during the eighth and tenth months of a baby's life.

What Are the Signs of the Notorious 9 Month Sleep Regression?

After nine months of peaceful sleep, your infant will suddenly develop problems sleeping throughout the night. But it's hard to tell why this is happening. Here are the main signs and symptoms of the regression issue:

  • Refusing to sleep
  • Crankiness
  • Nocturnal awakenings
  • Difficulty falling asleep

The regression may seem to last forever, but it ends around two and six weeks. However, you should see a pediatrician if sleep issues persist for over six weeks

Related: Where Should My Newborn Sleep?

What Causes 9 Month Sleep Regression?

You love your new bundle of joy and will do anything to prevent any ailment that may arise. The most vital part of prevention is knowing what causes the issues. With that in mind, here are the common causes of sleep regression issues:

Separation Anxiety

Your baby understands you do not vanish forever when leaving the room. However, they hate that you are not with them, so they cry. They love you and don't want to be away from you. Unfortunately, this continuous anxiety can lead to sleep regression.

The best remedy is to tuck them into bed and keep the "goodbyes" short. You can rotate with your partner during naptime and nighttime. Prepare yourself for the first "where are you going?" question. Maintain the same approach you would in any other crying circumstance. Always enter the nursery when required to bring comfort and reassurance.

It is OK to rock them back and forth if your infant has difficulty settling down. Put them back in the crib and stroke their back for a peaceful nap. Even if you're in the same room, they should fall asleep on their own bed.

Want to make sure your baby has the proper sleep schedule? Check out our  baby subscription box to help you out!

Explosive Developmental Milestone

sleepy baby

Your baby's growth accelerates dramatically, in which they will acquire several new skills. At nine months old, they are transitioning from a sleeping posture to a seated one. They can pull up to a standing position and even navigate around the couch or coffee table. They are starting to speak and often babble.

All of these new skills are reinforced while your kid sleeps. They are exercising all of these things as they sleep. But, once awakened, they often practice instead of returning to sleep.

Even when they practice sitting up, they can no longer lie down.

Once they have hauled themselves up to stand at the edge of the crib, they are trapped and need help. If this consistently happens, it can lead to sleepless nights.

You can reduce the crib's height when your infant can sit up. This will prevent your little one from being an escape artist. Not only that, it will reduce hazardous accidents that might happen.

Want to make sure your baby has the proper sleep schedule? Check out our  baby subscription box to help you out!

No More Third Naps

Most infants aged 7 to 10 months take two naps each day. If you have already eliminated the third nap, the baby may need it a few times each week to catch up on sleep throughout the changeover. It is OK. It may take some time to shift to two daily naps.

Here are some strategies to help with the transition from three to two naps per day:

  • Keep a regular wake-up time
  • Increase the duration of the first snooze each day.
  • Increase the interval between the first and second sleep.
  • Adjust bedtime one or two nights each week while transitioning

Tips for Treating 9 Month Sleep Regression

Two to six weeks might seem like an eternity when you are weary, sleep-deprived, and bleary-eyed. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to deal with this tough and exhausting period.

First, ensure that the infant is clean and well-fed before sleep. Babies that are hungry or uncomfortable will fuss throughout the night. Remove toys and devices from the crib. They may serve to distract and keep a baby awake. Establish a consistent nighttime ritual. Ensure your child has a routine before night, such as supper, a bath, a book, a song, and dimmed lighting.

Ensure that they sleep throughout the day. Even if they do not sleep, lay them down for a nap to prevent them from being overtired. Remember to incorporate physical exercise as part of their daily routine. Let them "practice" their newly acquired physical abilities, like standing or crawling.

Allow them to cry a bit in the middle of the night so they can learn to soothe themselves back to sleep. 

Keeping 9 Month Sleep Regression Under Control

sleepy baby

Tackling the 9-month sleep regression may seem like a daunting task! But don't worry; you can conquer anything with determination and a lot of love. 

Sticking to a consistent routine and giving your precious little one the extra comfort they need will make those long nights more manageable. And guess what? We have an amazing tip to make it all even more exciting.

Sign up for subscription boxes filled with awesome samples and unique items you and your baby will love! It's the perfect way to keep motivated and reward yourself for your hard work. And trust us, even though it can be tough at times, navigating this trial together can create unforgettable memories you'll cherish forever. 

So get your sleepy baby a subscription box today and watch those sleepless nights transform into beautiful moments of bonding and growth. You won't regret it!



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