26 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development and Changes in Your Body

If you're expecting a baby, week 26 of your pregnancy is exciting. You've made it halfway through this incredible journey and are now learning more about how your baby is developing while preparing for the following stages. As your little one grows, so will you - physically and emotionally! In this post, we'll discuss what changes your body may experience during week 26 of pregnancy and the growth milestones you can expect from your baby. We'll also explore tips on taking care of yourself at this crucial stage to ensure that you and your future bundle of joy stay healthy throughout the remainder of the pregnancy journey.

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26 Weeks Pregnant and Your Body

As you enter the last week of your second trimester, your growing body may feel achy and uncomfortable. Don't worry; this is entirely normal! As your baby grows, your ligaments and joints loosen up to allow for the upcoming delivery. Along with achiness, tiredness, and sleeping problems, this stage of pregnancy also brings about vivid dreams. It can be helpful to take it easy and listen to your body during this time. Stay hydrated, eat well, and try to get plenty of rest. Remember, your body is doing something truly unique, and a little discomfort is a small price for the joy that awaits at the end of your pregnancy journey.

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Your Symptoms at 26 Weeks


During pregnancy, headaches can be a common occurrence due to various factors such as changes in hormones, posture, vision, fatigue, low blood sugar, dehydration, and stress. As an expectant mother, it's good to be aware that not all pain relief medications are safe to take during this period. Doctors typically recommend acetaminophen for most people but prohibit using ibuprofen and aspirin. For those who suffer from migraines, it's best to discuss suitable medication options with your healthcare provider. By keeping a check on the possible causes and seeking the right medical help, you can minimize the discomfort of headaches during pregnancy.

Raised Blood Pressure

If you happen to be a pregnant woman, seeing a slightly elevated blood pressure (140/90 or higher) during a doctor's visit might not be something to worry about. This is because it may be a one-time thing, which can happen for many reasons, such as the stress of the visit itself. However, if this occurs during week 20 or later and persists, it could indicate gestational hypertension. While this is generally a temporary condition that disappears after delivery, it requires close monitoring. This is because around 25% of women who experience gestational hypertension develop preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a severe condition that could cause damage to both the mother and the baby.

Back Aches

Back pain is a common issue affecting 50-80% of pregnant people. As your body changes, your posture and center of gravity shift, and the added weight can strain your back significantly. You may notice that your back aches more when you are stressed. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate discomfort. Rest, physical therapy exercises, and a support belt can help. It is also essential to wear comfortable shoes and sleep on your side with a pregnancy pillow. Some expectant parents opt for chiropractic or massage therapy to help with their back pain. If you choose this route, find a professional with experience in prenatal care. Remember, taking care of your physical well-being can help you enjoy your pregnancy journey fully.

Developing Hemorrhoids

One of the most common issues that pregnant women face is hemorrhoids. These swollen blood vessels, a variation of varicose veins, can cause discomfort and even extreme pain. Not to mention the possibility of bleeding during a bowel movement - yikes! Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to avoid developing hemorrhoids or easing the symptoms if you already have them. Eating a diet high in fiber, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and doing kegel exercises are just a few ways to prevent constipation and, in turn, ease the pain. For those already suffering, a sitz bath can work wonders, while using baby wipes with witch hazel can help soothe the area. Knowing what to do and taking steps to prevent or manage hemorrhoids during pregnancy can make all the difference in your comfort level.

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Your Baby’s Development at 26 Weeks:

Black and white photo of pregnant woman

Eyes Opening

During week seven of pregnancy, the intricate components of a baby's eyes - the cornea, pupil, iris, lens, and retina - begin to form. Yet, it's only towards the end of the second trimester that their eyes start to open. In response to light, the baby’s eyes flutter open, taking in bits and pieces of the world that awaits them. While the color of their eyes remains a mystery until a few months after birth, it’s fascinating to consider the incredible complexity of the human body as it develops inside the womb.

Growing Eyelashes

As your baby continues to develop, you may start to notice that their appearance is rapidly changing. Between week 26 and week 32, your baby's eyelashes will grow, adding to their adorable little features. Although your baby's hair is entirely white right now, it won't be long before it starts to develop pigment. Patience is critical during this exciting time, as it's not until week 32 that your baby's eyelashes and eyelids take on their nearly fully developed appearance. Keep watching in amazement as your little one grows and changes before your eyes.

Sleep Pattern

As you reach week 26 of your pregnancy, your baby's development progresses rapidly. Besides their physical growth, their sleep routine is a crucial aspect of their development. With their sensory system beginning to develop, they can now differentiate between night and day, and their sleep and wake patterns are becoming more regular. You may notice that your baby is more active while you are resting or sleeping, and vice versa. This is all part of their brain and body's natural development, and it's exciting to witness these changes as your little one grows inside you. So, get plenty of rest yourself and enjoy watching your baby's progress.

Building their Immune System

During pregnancy, the placenta acts as a barrier between the mother and the baby, transmitting vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen from the mother's bloodstream to the developing fetus. But did you know that the placenta also plays a critical role in preparing the baby's immune system for life outside the womb? As the mother's body produces antibodies to fight off viruses and bacteria, these antibodies are passed through the placenta, giving the baby a head start in developing immunity. And after birth, the baby receives an additional boost from colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid produced by the mother's breasts, before milk production begins. Together, these early defenses help protect your little one from infection and disease, laying the foundation for a healthy immune system that will last a lifetime.

Are you seeking further information about caring for your child? Check 123 Baby Box to uncover more helpful advice!

You and Your Baby at 26 Weeks Pregnant

2 Pregnant women

Now that you know all the essentials about week 26 of your pregnancy, take a deep breath and soak in all these exciting new changes. Remember, each month brings you closer to meeting your precious little one and witnessing the milestones they will reach at every step. As overwhelming as this journey can be, it is such an incredible miracle that many of us are blessed with! Pregnancy is not only a physical transformation but also a mental and emotional one, so be sure to nurture yourself during this time. Prioritize rest, good nutrition, and connecting with those around you for continued support. Congratulations mommy-to-be!

Related Link: How Long Should a Newborn Sleep: How Much is Too Much?

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