Newborn Hives: How Do I Stop It?

The sensitive nature of your newborn's skin may only be apparent once you become a parent. It seems one wrong product causes your newborn to develop a rash quickly. 

Sometimes it doesn't have to be from a product that caused the condition. The rash may have developed because your child bathed too much or wore the wrong fabrics.

Newborn skin is sensitive because babies need time to adjust to the outside world. This can cause your newborn to develop hives, which is concerning for many new parents. 

However, this may be the first time you have heard of hives. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about newborn hives and how to treat the condition.

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Newborn Hives: What Is It?

Newborn hives are skin rashes that can develop in anyone, regardless of age. The condition is also known as urticaria.

This common skin condition occurs in groups on different parts of the body. The likelihood of individuals developing hives at some point in their lives is 20 percent. 

In addition, some groups of people are more accessible to develop hives than others. For example, those of African American descent, smokers, and who have eczema have a higher chance of developing this skin rash.  

Why Do Newborns Develop Hives?

There are many different reasons why a newborn or anyone may develop hives. So, finding the extract cause of the skin condition can be difficult. Newborns often break out in hives due to an allergic reaction or a viral infection.  

Other reasons could be pet dander, cold or hot weather, stress, or a reaction from a bug bite. It is also possible that hives are an allergic reaction to eggs and other dairy products.

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What Does a Newborn’s Hive Look Like?

On various parts of the body, newborn hives form in clusters. You can find them on the face, neck, stomach, back, arms, and legs. The bumps will look red and turn pale when pressed on for those with lighter skin. 

However, those with darker skin may find difficulty confirming if the rash is hives or eczema. Often the bumps will change shape and appearance or go away on their own. These symptoms will help you be sure if the rash is hives or another skin condition. 


newborn baby


How Can You Prevent Hives From Happening to Your Newborn?

You can try to prevent the condition from happening, but it can be hard to do so. Hives often happen when something comes into contact with your baby's skin and disagrees. This can be from dyes of fabrics, chemicals from baby products, or washing powder. 

It is also possible for hives to develop as a result of insect bites, such as mosquito bites. So, if it's summer, keep your child away from places where mosquitoes may gather.

You might have to play detective to find out the cause of the skin condition. Luckily, hives is a mild skin condition that goes away on its own. But, if you notice putting something on your baby's skin and they break out again, that product can be issued.

Are There Natural Treatments for Newborn Hives?

If you notice your newborn is breaking out in hives multiple times, there are natural treatments for improving the condition. Again, play detective and see if it's a product you're using that is causing your newborn to break out in hives. Once you find it stop using the product to prevent future breakouts.

In addition, keep your child in comfortable clothing to prevent rubbing against the skin. Next, cut your newborn's nails and put on mittens to keep them from scratching their skin. 

When your newborn has a breakout, apply a cool wash cloth onto their skin to help reduce the itchiness and swelling. You can also give them a cool bath to help with their skin. 

In the bath water, apply a body wash that has oatmeal. The oatmeal ingredient will help soothe your newborn skin and help with swelling and itchiness. 

After their bath, you may want to use calamine lotion to take further action to prevent your baby from scratching their skin. It won’t make the hives go away, but the lotion will soothe the itchy skin and provide comfort to your child.

In addition, keeping the house temperatures low will help with their itchy skin. Keeping the house too hot may irritate your child's skin further and make them cranky. 

Lastly, consult your newborn's doctor if the skin rash keeps happening. They can provide you with an antihistamine ointment to help reduce the swelling and itchiness of the skin.

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When Should You Take Your Newborn to the Doctor?


In most cases, newborn hives are nothing to be concerned about. Usually, the rash will go away on its own within sick weeks. However, if the rash lasts longer than six weeks, you should contact your child's doctor.

In severe cases, newborns may experience difficulty breathing, belly pain, nausea, and vomiting. You should call 911 immediately if your child exhibits any of these symptoms. 

No Need To Worry Newborn Hives Is a Common Skin Condition

Of course, the slightest change in your baby's skin will bring you sleepless nights. However, newborn hives are one condition that you do not need to worry about. Just be sure to follow the advice in this article to prevent the condition from getting worse or coming back. 

Also, if you notice it staying longer than six weeks, you should contact the pediatrician. Lastly, if your newborn experience severe symptoms of hives, then contact 911 right away.

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