Best Baby Toys for the First 6 Months of Life

Getting ready for a new baby requires numerous decisions, such as what to pack in the hospital bag and which formula to use. You may not have given much consideration to the types of toys your infant may enjoy during these initial months. The first six months are crucial for a baby's development and sensory exploration. While it may seem early to start thinking about toys- play is an important part of your baby’s overall growth, and finding developmentally appropriate toys for their first 6 months is crucial. This guide will feature some of the best types of toys for this period.

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First Few Months

Your baby will likely enjoy a soft, squishy ball as one of their first sensory toys. Babies love to grasp, touch and even mouth objects, and a soft ball is perfect for these purposes. Not only is a soft ball a great sensory tool, but they can also be used for tummy time and even for your baby to roll back and forth on the floor. Consider a ball made of a soft material like plush or silicone- avoid any balls that are too hard or have small parts that can come off easily.

Another toy that can be used from day one is a simple set of black and white high contrast cards. Newborns can't see in color yet, but high contrast patterns can catch their attention and stimulate their developing eyesight. High-contrast cards come in all sorts of patterns, styles, and materials- from board books to flashcards to simple fabric squares. These cards are also a great portable toy for the stroller or car seat and can easily be changed out to keep things interesting.

Need more advice about caring for your baby? Check out 123 Baby Box for more tips. 

3-4 Months

Around the 3 or 4 month mark, most babies will begin to show more physical strength, such as holding their head up and pushing with their legs. At this stage, a play gym can be a great addition to their playtime routine. A good play gym will have elements that are visually engaging, such as contrasting colors as well as different textures and hanging toys for your baby to discover. Play gyms also give your baby a chance to practice kicking, reaching and even grabbing on to objects, which is fundamental for many fine motor skills later on.

5-6 Months

Around 5 or 6 months, many babies enter a phase of exploration- they want to touch, taste and feel everything! A great toy for this stage is a soft fabric square, also known as a “lovey.” These types of toys are often made with different textures like silky, bumpy or fuzzy to stimulate your baby's sense of touch. They can also be a comforting toy for nap time. Keep in mind, not all loves are created equally- you want to avoid anything too bulky or with parts that can easily fall off in your baby’s mouth.

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6 Months

As your baby approaches the 6-month mark, they may be ready for their first blocks. Simple wooden blocks are an ideal toy for babies at this stage, and they offer endless opportunities to learn and play. Babies this age can begin to stack, knock over, and even pass blocks back and forth with caregivers. Wooden block play is great for developing a child's imagination, spatial understanding, and dexterity.

Precautions of Giving Your Newborn Baby Toys

young baby playing with a toy

  • Age-specific toys: When selecting toys for your infant, make sure that the toys are age-appropriate. The appropriate age range should be clearly marked on the toys. To prevent choking hazards and injuries, infant toys should be designed with their growing needs in mind. Toy labels should be checked twice to ensure they are age and developmentally appropriate.
  • Materials of Toys: Babies discover the world by exploring it through their mouths, and this includes their toys. Toys that are either too small or too big pose a risk if the child cannot properly handle them. Make sure the toys are safe for infants to play with, including being lead- and BPA-free. Toys shouldn't contain any magnets or small parts that could be accidentally swallowed. Avoid anything that could hurt your baby, like toys with sharp edges or points.
  • Supervision: Always watch your baby as they play with toys. The baby's play area requires constant adult supervision to prevent any accidents. Never play with a baby alone with anything that could hurt them.
  • Cleaning of toys: Hygiene is important when it comes to babies. Toys can easily accumulate dirt or germs from being in contact with almost anything. Toys need to be cleaned frequently to stop the spread of germs.To clean plastic and rubber toys, simply use a gentle soap and warm water. Metal toys should be disinfected in a solution of water and vinegar, while wooden toys can be wiped down with a soft cloth.

Any additional questions about taking care of your infant? Visit our blog today! 

Choosing The Right Baby Toys

baby with a toy block

This is not your average adventure; oh no, this is the grand voyage of selecting the perfect playtime companions - toys, for your precious child.

The terrain is filled with decisions and choices, for the realm of playtime is no ordinary kingdom. It's a magical world that fuels the engines of your child's development, turning the gears of their budding creativity, sprouting imagination, and fine-tuning their motor skills.

Our tale begins in a land filled with colorful and engaging toys, each one chosen to cater to a wide array of sensory delights. Imagine, dear parents, a toy that not only amuses your child but also helps them practice their fine motor skills, all while stimulating their senses. These are not mere playthings; they are tools for growth disguised as objects of fun!

In this riveting quest, remember, not all toys are created equal. Your mission is to seek out those that are age-appropriate, those that are perfectly suited for your child's stage of development. Inspect each one with the sharp eye of a hawk, scouting for any hidden dangers, any potential choking hazards that lurk in the shadows.

Even as the story unfolds, never let your guard down, for the kingdom of playtime thrives under the watchful eye of the king and queen - you, the parents! The tale grows brighter under your vigilance, ensuring the safety and happiness of your little prince or princess during their playtime.

So buckle up, brave parents, and ready yourself for this fantastic journey! As you navigate the thrilling world of toys, remember, you are crafting an adventure for your little one, an adventure that shapes their growth, creativity, and joy. Onwards to the quest, the perfect toy awaits!

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What to read next

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