32 Weeks Pregnant: Your Third Trimester Checklist

At 32 weeks pregnant, you may begin nesting, setting up the nursery, and preparing your home for the new arrival. The baby is also beginning to prepare for life outside the womb by practicing sucking, swallowing, and inhaling. You probably feel their every movement as well; those kicks are mighty! Here is additional information regarding week 32 of pregnancy.

The Development of Your Baby at 32 Weeks

At 32 weeks, your baby is about 16.7 inches long and weighs around 3.8 pounds.

With only a few weeks remaining, your infant completes all preparations for life outside the womb. What is occurring to the baby at 32 weeks? Your infant practices sucking and swallowing at 32 weeks of pregnancy to prepare their digestive system for drinking milk. 

Additionally, they practice respiration by inhaling amniotic fluid. 

Is someone attempting to break down the door from the inside? Count the kicks and continue to track the number of minutes it takes for your infant to reach ten movements. Call your doctor if it lasts longer than two hours or if you observe an overall change in the frequency of your baby's movements.

Pregnant could holding baby shoes

Your Baby’s Movement at 32 Weeks

At approximately 28 weeks pregnant, you should begin counting the baby's movements. You can perform this activity while seated, lying, or at some point during the day. Dr. Jennifer Lang, a Los Angeles–based ob-gyn and author of The Whole 9 Months: A Week-by-Week Pregnancy Nutrition Guide with Recipes for a Healthy Start, tells Babylist: "You should be able to feel at least 10 different movements—kicks, rolls, flusters—within two hours." You will usually reach your destination within the first five minutes, but it can take up to two hours. You should feel ten kicks within that time frame; if you don't, wait a few hours, consume something, and try again. Call your doctor if you don't feel the baby move within two two-hour intervals or if you observe a significant change in the amount of movement.

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Ultrasound at 32 Weeks

If you have an ultrasound at 32 weeks pregnant, your provider will primarily evaluate the baby's positioning and movement. The optimal position for babies is head down, face down, but there's still time for them to get there if they haven't already. Your doctor also wants to confirm that your infant is sufficiently active and mobile.

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32 Weeks of Pregnancy and Your Body

At the 32nd week of pregnancy, your uterus is approximately five inches above your belly button, indicating that your airways are increasingly congested. Don't be surprised if you find it difficult to recover your breath. You can rest assured that your infant is receiving adequate oxygen, but you'll likely need to take more frequent breaks and exert yourself less than usual. 


The third trimester is notorious for its prevalence of acid reflux. Monitor the foods and behaviors that may exacerbate your condition, such as ingesting before bed or consuming spicy foods. And take an over-the-counter antacid if your precautions do not seem to work; just ensure you have your doctor's approval first. 

Urge to nest 

The instinct to nest is so true! After pregnancy, dogs, mice, cats, humans, and even honey bees are all motivated to create a safe and welcoming environment for their young. Your maternal instincts may manifest as a desire to create a baby registry, select colors for the nursery, or clean the floors. 

Weird visions 

The combination of pregnancy hormones, difficulty sleeping, stress, and anticipation of the baby's arrival can result in some reasonably bizarre dreams. Consider maintaining a dream journal so that you can reflect on your vivid nocturnal visions. You may even wish to pass them on to your future child when they are mature.

Shortness of breath

Now that your uterus is approximately five inches above your belly button, you may find it difficult to recover your breath. While this may seem alarming, you can rest assured that your infant is receiving adequate oxygen. However, it is essential to heed your body, take more breaks, and make less effort than usual. Although challenging, remember that you're doing an incredible job; your child is worth it all.

Pregnant woman holding belly outside

Early Signs of Labor

Suppose you begin to experience signs of preterm labor at 32 weeks, such as consistent contractions, bleeding, or an abrupt change in vaginal discharge. In that case, you should contact your doctor immediately and go to labor and delivery.

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Common Questions at 32 Weeks

What Does it Mean for Your Baby to “Drop”?

Your baby may still be carried high in your abdomen, but they will "drop" shortly. "The time during pregnancy when the fetal head shifts lower in the pelvis is known as dropping. Some pregnant women experience this a month or so before delivery, while others experience it during labor. When your child does this, you will likely be aware. You may breathe easily and experience less heartburn. However, the pressure sensation in your lower stomach is likely to increase. Dropping can lead to hemorrhoids, back pain, pelvic pain, and hip discomfort. And with the infant resting so low in your pelvis, you may need to walk in a "waddle" and take more frequent bathroom breaks.

Braxton Hicks Contractions or The Real Thing?

Braxton Hicks contractions aren't regular or painful. Real contractions go through a rhythmic and predictable motion. Braxton Hicks can be sporadic and often doesn't have a trackable timetable pattern, while actual contractions get longer, stronger, and closer together. You might observe Braxton Hicks contractions after sex, need to pee, or dehydrated. If the discomfort does not go away and continues to become more intense or frequent, you should contact your doctor immediately, as it could be a symptom of preterm labor.

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What Position Should My Baby Be In?

What is the most prevalent baby position at 32 weeks gestation? Most infants will assume a head-down, back-facing position by this week. The best vaginal birth position is known as the cephalic position. If the infant is still head-up, there are a couple of weeks for the position to change. Your healthcare provider will monitor your baby's movement as the week progresses, and there is ample time for infant gymnastics.

You and Your Baby at 32 Weeks

As you venture into the third trimester, embrace all that comes with it. This is your last stretch of pregnancy and signals the end of this unique journey. As each day passes, cherish the moments and look forward to welcoming your baby shortly. To ensure you have a seamless transition into this thrilling time, get the ultimate guide to the third trimester of pregnancy. With these guidelines, you can keep track of everything required for a successful delivery and postnatal period afterward. Most importantly, remember to focus on your mental health and wellness – having enough rest, healthy nutrition, and an open communication channel with those around you. Enjoy the process and embrace this particular time - embracing motherhood begins right now!

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