Transitioning from Two Naps to One: Tips for Parents

Is your tiny tot ready to leap into a brand new milestone? Brace yourself for a surge of excitement - we're talking about the grand shift from two daily naps to just one! It's a thrilling journey that's about to unfold for both you and your little adventurer!

Sure, it might seem like an uphill climb at first glance. But no need for worry lines! We're here, armed to the teeth with tips, tricks, and know-how to make this transition as smooth as a lullaby.

In this electrifying post, we'll be plunging headfirst into the vital world of nap transitions. We'll share the golden nuggets of expert advice to ensure your little one receives the rest they so crucially need during this pivotal phase of growth.

So, strap in and get ready to navigate this milestone like the champion parent you are! Let's dive into the details – read on, and let the adventure begin!

Related: Surviving the 8-Month Sleep Regression

baby sleeping

Indicator for the Nap Transition

Your little one is growing up fast, and with growth comes new challenges! If your infant is between 13 and 18 months old and having trouble sleeping during naps or at night, or if they're starting to resist their second nap, you're not alone. 

You may also be dealing with frequent early morning awakenings, short sleep cycles, or a need for a later bedtime to accommodate daytime naps. While it's uncommon for infants under 12 months to transition to a single nap, reducing their morning sleep may help alleviate some of these issues. 

And don't worry if you're not in control of naptime due to childcare - focus on regulating bedtime instead. If you're still struggling to determine the right sleep schedule, look out for these tell-tale signs that it's time for a change.

Ready to champion the nap transition journey? Subscribe to our baby box now for tailor-made tips, tools, and treats that make parenting a breeze. Don't miss out, your ticket to smooth parenting awaits!

Change The Sleep Position

Get excited! It's time to transition your little one to a single nap a day, but don't worry, we've got you covered. The goal is to have this nap take place around midday, between 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., after your baby has been up for 5 to 6 hours. 

We understand this may seem like a daunting task, especially if your baby is used to two naps a day. But, with a gradual approach, you can successfully push the first nap later and later by adding 15 to 30 minutes of additional awake time before the nap every few days. You'll be amazed at the ways parents have helped their little ones snooze longer and later, and we're excited to help you achieve this too!

Give a Relaxation Regimen

Are you struggling to get your little one to nap during the day? A consistent naptime routine may be the answer! Just like a bedtime routine, a naptime routine helps your child relax and prepare for a restful nap. And it doesn't have to be complicated! Just a quick 7 to 10-minute routine can do the trick.

Here's an example: Change your baby's diaper, put on a comfy sleep sack, read a story, dim the lights, and place them in the crib while they are still awake. These signals will help your baby drift off to sleep in no time!

If your child needs a little extra help falling asleep, check out my 5-24 Month Collection for step-by-step instructions on creating enjoyable days and restful nights. Say goodbye to naptime struggles and hello to a well-rested and happy baby!

Modify Bedtime  

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It's time to supercharge your baby's daytime nap with our expert tips and tricks! Our goal? To make that one divine slumber stretch for a whole 1-2 hours, ensuring your little one wakes up bursting with energy and ready to take on the rest of the day!

Post-nap, the countdown to bedtime begins - around 4 to 5 hours later. Now, here's where things can get tricky: if that all-important nap clocks in at less than 90 minutes, you might find yourself running a marathon to keep those tiny eyes open until bedtime.

Fear not! We've got a secret weapon in our arsenal: an early bedtime! Yes, you heard it right. We're talking at 6 or even 6:30 p.m., particularly during this transitional period. It's the magic spell to keep those cranky, overtired gremlins at bay.

Curious to see this grand plan in motion? Feast your eyes on our sample schedules and start guiding your little one towards the blissful, rejuvenating sleep they truly deserve. Dive in, and let's get that nap game on point!

Related: Newborn Won’t Sleep? Try These Tips

Maintain Consistency

Get ready for a big change as you adjust your baby's sleep schedule! Consistency is key, and it may take up to four weeks to see results, so don't get discouraged. The transition to a one-nap schedule may be tough, but with the right tools and plenty of patience, you and your little one can succeed. Remember to be kind to yourself along the way! You've got this!

Why Should I Consider Reducing My Baby's Naps to One?

Raise the curtains, folks, for the unsung hero of your child's day - the marvelous daytime nap! These little pockets of sleep are more than just a delightful break for you and your tiny tot. They're a magic potion that boosts healthier, dreamier night sleep. And here's the best part - the more your kiddo naps, the more they'll want to nap!

But wait! Just like in the fantastic rollercoaster ride of parenting, even this magical sleep elixir comes with a 'handle with care' sign. Yes, you guessed it, too much daytime sleep can occasionally turn into a sneaky little gremlin that wakes your child up in the dead of the night or pushes their bedtime way past the stars.

So, time to don your detective hat, parents! Keep a keen eye on your child's sleep patterns and stay ready to make those nimble adjustments. A bit of trial and error, a pinch of patience, and voila! You'll soon find that sweet spot of perfect balance for your little one's daytime siestas. So, let's embark on this fascinating journey of sleep discovery together!

Are Naps Required?

Let's talk about the importance of naps for toddlers! Not only do naps give parents a much-needed break, but they're also critical for your child's cognitive development! In fact, a 2018 scientific review found that naps are the ideal time for consolidating memories and generalizing knowledge. However, as a child grows, the significance of naps may decrease. It's important to keep an eye out for signs that your little one is ready for a shift in their sleep schedule. Remember, every child is unique!


The Benefits of Baby Naps

baby sleeping

Your child's growth and development depend on sleep, and naps play a significant part in this. Dr. Nilong Vyas, a physician and the author of Sleepless in New Orleans, says that naps allow youngsters to digest their interactions with the outside world. Every touch, sight, and sound must be associated with a person's prior experiences. During sleep, neural connections are reinforced and the body expands.

Moreover, naps help brain growth, memory consolidation, and cognitive improvement. Your child's sleep demands will alter as he or she matures, and they will need less naps as their bodies can endure longer periods of alertness. So how can you determine whether your kid is sleeping enough?

Dr. Vyas adds that as a kid goes from two naps to one, their sleep period is often condensed into a single long nap. Hence, while sleeping less often, they are still sleeping the same amount. If your kid is going from two 90-minute naps to one, for instance, they will likely sleep for three hours. Don't be concerned if your kid is taking less naps; they're still receiving enough sleep to flourish!

Ready to champion the nap transition journey? Subscribe to our baby box now for tailor-made tips, tools, and treats that make parenting a breeze. Don't miss out, your ticket to smooth parenting awaits!

Final Thoughts

Wow, congratulations on this exciting milestone, Hilda Wong! Transitioning your little one from two naps to one can be challenging, but don't worry, with these tips and tricks, you're sure to make it through with flying colors.

It doesn't have to be a stressful process if you take the time to understand your child's unique sleep needs and adjust their schedule accordingly. Remember, communication is key - keep talking with your little one and ensure they're getting plenty of rest. 

And why not make this moment even more special with a fantastic baby subscription box? There are so many to choose from in different shapes and sizes, you're bound to find something perfect for your bundle of joy.


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