38 Weeks Pregnant: Tips and Advice for the Final Stretch

Oh, mama-to-be, can you feel the excitement in the air? You've made it to the 38-week mark, and your little one will be here any day now! Can you believe it? 

This is the moment you've been waiting for, the culmination of your pregnancy journey, and it's all about to happen! Sure, it can be daunting to think about all the preparation that still needs to be done. There's so much to consider and so much advice to sort through. 

But don't worry; we've got your back! We have some tips to help you feel confident and ready for the big day. Get ready to meet your bundle of joy, and let's make sure both you and your baby are well-prepared for this grand finale!

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Baby's Development at 38 Weeks

Weight and Length 

 Remember that every baby is unique, so don't fret if your little one doesn't fit these precise measurements. Healthy newborns can measure anywhere from 17 3/4 inches (45 centimeters) to almost 22 inches (55 centimeters) in length, while their birth weight can range from 5 1/2 pounds (2,500 grams) all the way up to a whopping 10 pounds (4,500 grams)!  


As you approach week 38, your little one is shedding their soft and delicate lanugo hair that once covered their entire body. Don't worry if a few strands linger on their arms and shoulders, as this hair typically falls out before birth. Your baby is almost here and ready for their grand entrance into the world!


Your baby's eyes may look dark blue-gray at birth, but they may transform into their permanent hue over the first year of their life. The color of their eyes is determined by the amount of melanin, a protein their body produces. 

Will they have brown, blue, green, hazel, or another captivating color? The suspense is exhilarating! Watch your little one's eyes reveal their true, unique beauty over the next year.

Early Term

At 39 weeks, a pregnancy is finally full-term, and the baby is getting ready to enter the world. But did you know that even "early term" babies, born between 37 to 38 weeks and six days, already show signs of readiness? Your little one is gearing up for their big debut earlier than you might think!

At 38 weeks, your baby is almost fully cooked, but there's still some exciting growth happening in the womb. Every day and every moment counts as your little bundle of joy gets stronger and more prepared for their journey into the outside world. So get ready to meet your newest family member because they're coming soon and will bring joy and excitement to your life!

General Symptoms at 38 Weeks Pregnant

So, what can you expect at 38 weeks pregnant? Get ready for a rollercoaster of symptoms, including indigestion, nausea, and heartburn. Don't forget about constipation, mood swings, and sagging breasts. And let's not forget the pelvic pressure, slight backache, and frequent urination. But don't worry; it's all part of the exciting journey toward meeting your little one.

Speaking of which, have you noticed an increase in vaginal discharge? That's normal; you may even lose your mucus plug during this week. Don't panic if it happens earlier than expected - it's just another sign that your body is preparing for labor. 

Related: 10 Cute Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy

38 Weeks Pregnancy Self-Care Advice 

As your due date approaches, it's essential to take care of yourself and ensure you're prepared for the big day. If you're feeling a little off-balance or clumsy, take it as a cue to slow down and relax. Review the fundamentals you learned in your childbirth courses, such as labor signals, and use this time to really connect with your body.

Speaking of balance, maintaining your equilibrium during these last few weeks can be a challenge. You can start wearing flat, comfy shoes and walking more slowly. And remember to stay hydrated and have many small meals throughout the day to minimize dizziness.

As you get closer to labor, stocking up on some home necessities, like toilet paper and laundry detergent, is important. You don't want to be running to the store during your baby's first hectic week! And don't forget the nipple cream - a little comfort goes a long way during those early days of nursing.

Practice your labor affirmations and review what to expect during each phase of labor. And if you're worried about your water breaking while sleeping, consider using a waterproof mattress protector for easy cleanup.

Are you ready to welcome your bundle of joy? Check out our  baby subscription box to make your baby smile :)


Getting Ready for Labor at 38 Weeks Pregnant

It's time to prepare for the arrival of your little bundle of joy. At 38 weeks, experiencing labor symptoms is a strong sign that your baby is on the way. Get ready to enter the exciting world of labor and delivery!

The three phases of labor are: Early Labor, Active Labor, and Transition. 

The First Phase

The first phase is the longest and is characterized by contractions, contractions, and more contractions! Your uterus will contract and relax as it prepares to deliver your baby. This will thin out your cervix and initiate the opening of the cervix. You may experience period-like discomfort or lower-back aching, but the contractions will rapidly intensify, becoming longer and more frequent.

If you're a first-time mother, this phase will generally last between six and twelve hours, although it may last a whole day or more. But, if you're a second-time mother, things may move much more quickly. Relax, remain hydrated, and consume carbohydrate-rich, light meals to maintain your energy. And if you can sleep, do so. Remember, giving birth is a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself!

During the active labor phase, your contractions will be around one minute long and three to five minutes apart. It may be difficult to speak or move freely, and your cervix will dilate 3 to 10 centimeters. This is the perfect time for an epidural, which may eliminate contraction discomfort. It may also decrease your contractions and extend your labor by 40 to 90 minutes.

The phase of transition is the most intensive but also the shortest. The final few millimeters of dilation will occur, and contractions will become more frequent. Stage 1 concludes after your cervix has dilated 10 cm, and you'll be ready for stage 2!

Related: What Are The Signs of Early Labor

Stage 2

After you're completely dilated, get ready to push. This overpowering muscle reflex may feel like you're about to have a bowel movement. Some expectant parents can manage the pushing process, but if you have an epidural, your doctor or midwife will likely counsel you on when to push strongly and calm down to enable your body to relax and open.

At some point, your baby's head will emerge, and then you'll be asked to exert vigorous effort to deliver the shoulders. The remainder of your child's body will glide like a wet, slippery fish. Your newborn will be put on your chest and wrapped with a warm blanket unless emergency medical attention is required. 

Stage 3

You still have to deliver the placenta. Don't worry; it's the simplest stage and often disappears within minutes. 

If you wish to breastfeed, begin immediately. This will also stimulate your uterus to contract, reducing its size and facilitating the expulsion of the placenta.

You may feel a slight trembling after this labor, but don't worry, it's just your body adjusting to the hormonal fluctuations or adrenaline of delivery. Your physician or midwife will suture any rips or episiotomy incisions. A nurse may visit you occasionally after delivery to massage your abdomen, which helps remove excess blood and promotes your uterus to return to its usual size.

More Insights on 38 weeks Pregnancy


The grand finale is almost here, and it's time to prepare for your little one's arrival in style. Don't stress; let's make it enjoyable! This is your chance to indulge in much-deserved self-care, whether it's a relaxing massage, a rejuvenating mani-pedi, or simply treating yourself to something special. And let's not forget about the baby! 

Get organized with a baby carrier and track those contractions like a pro. But that's not all – why not create a calming playlist and cook some delicious meals to freeze for those early days? And for an even more magical experience, consider getting a subscription box filled with baby gear that combines playfulness and practicality. 

It's the perfect way to shower you and your little bundle of joy with everything you need to thrive during this final stretch. So don't wait any longer – let's make this last leg of your pregnancy journey memorable!



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