As your 37th week of pregnancy begins, the excitement and anticipation are likely growing. Your baby continues to develop rapidly during this time so you can look forward to a variety of changes taking place. You may be anxious about giving birth, but it is essential to remember that these last few weeks are an incredibly special part of the journey. Outlined in this blog post, you will find all the information you need to know about what can happen during your 37th week – both physically and emotionally – so you are fully ready for when labor day comes! Continue reading if you would like to learn more.
The Development of Your Baby at 37 Weeks Pregnant
As your due date approaches, you may wonder what's happening with your little one inside. At 37 weeks, your baby is finalizing their development, preparing to emerge into the outside world. While they may have slowed down on the growth front, at this point, they're busy building up their immune system and practicing their breathing in anticipation of their grand entrance. From this point on, every day leading up to your delivery date is crucial for your baby's growth and development, and it won't be long before you finally get to meet the little one who's been keeping you company for the last nine months.
Your baby is almost fully developed and needs more brain and lung development time. While your little one would still be considered premature if born this week, they are much more likely to need help in the NICU than if they were born at full term at 39 weeks. Most babies are also now in a head-down position, but if yours is breech or transverse, your doctor may recommend a version procedure to encourage the baby to turn. Fun fact: Your baby's fingers are also becoming more coordinated at this stage as they learn to grasp and hold things like their own hand and the umbilical cord.
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Your Body and Symptoms at 37 Weeks Pregnant
The weight gain recommendation at 37 weeks pregnant continues to be around a pound per week, but many pregnant women witness that they were not gaining that much weight in this final month of pregnancy. Talk over your weight gain with your healthcare provider, but most likely you've already gained enough pounds to support your baby until their arrival. Here’s the symptoms you are likely experiencing at this stage:
Diarrhea and Nauseous
As you near the end of your pregnancy, it's not uncommon to experience some uncomfortable symptoms. With your baby growing bigger by the day, you may notice feelings of nausea or digestive issues - this is because your little one is now crowding your digestive tract. However, it's essential to also keep an eye out for early signs of labor, as nausea and diarrhea can sometimes indicate that your body is preparing for delivery. While these symptoms may not be enjoyable, they're a sign that your body is doing its job in preparing for your baby's arrival.
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Very Emotional
The last few weeks of pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster for many expecting parents. It's completely normal to feel a mix of excitement, fear, and anxiety as you prepare for one of life's most significant changes. You might feel like you're about to burst with excitement one moment and then overwhelmed with boredom the next. It's common to experience sudden bouts of tears, anger, or even uncontrollable laughter. Remember, you're on the cusp of significant changes, and it's natural to have big feelings. Don't be too hard on yourself, and instead, try to embrace the mix of emotions as part of the journey towards parenthood.
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Sleeping DIfficulties
A good night's sleep can often feel like a distant dream during pregnancy. As the due date approaches, sleeping comfortably is a mission impossible. It's common to experience restlessness, back pain, heartburn, frequent urination, and uncomfortable movements from the baby. However, there are ways to combat this sleeplessness. Stress reduction techniques like yoga and meditation can calm the mind and relax the body. This relaxation can contribute to relieving muscle tension and reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Additionally, gentle exercises such as walking, prenatal yoga, or swimming can also help promote better sleep. Remember to prioritize your health during pregnancy with the help of gentle exercises and stress reduction techniques to enjoy a well-deserved peaceful sleep.
The third trimester of pregnancy can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions and physical changes. One thing to remember is that your cervix becomes more sensitive during this time, which can lead to spotting after sex. While this may sound alarming, it is typically not a cause for concern. However, if you notice a significant amount of blood, you must reach out to your healthcare provider. Heavy bleeding may indicate an issue with the placenta, and it's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to the health of you and your growing baby. Remember to take care of yourself and contact your medical professional with any concerns.
Bloated and Gassy
One of the most common experiences that many women go through is feeling bloated or having excess gas due to the higher levels of progesterone in their bodies. While this is an expected part of pregnancy, it can be uncomfortable and even painful at times. To ease these symptoms, try consuming smaller meals throughout the day and drinking plenty of water. Yes, this might mean you'll be running to the bathroom a little more often, but staying hydrated is crucial. By taking these steps, you can help alleviate some of the discomforts that come with excess bloating and gas during pregnancy.
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New Stretch Marks
It's not uncommon to discover new lines on your skin during pregnancy or after gaining weight quickly. These tiny marks, known as stretch marks, appear on the thighs, belly, hips, arms, or bum and result from skin stretching. While genetics plays a significant role in whether or not you're prone to them, keeping your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and applying oil or cream, can help improve skin elasticity. Although they may not disappear altogether, stretch marks will fade over time and become less noticeable, blending in better with your skin tone. So, rest assured that while stretch marks might seem like an unwelcome surprise, they're perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
What to Expect at 37 Weeks Pregnant
Being 37 weeks pregnant can lead to a range of emotions and physical changes, both in your body and your baby’s development. From now until delivery, it is essential to get regular prenatal care and remain mindful of how you are feeling. With diligence and patience, the remainder of your pregnancy journey should be filled with happy excitement as you prepare to meet your little one. Get plenty of rest at this stage and take things slowly. From counting kicks daily to measuring open-ended questions such as fetal movement and interaction through ultrasounds, monitoring your baby's development can be an informative experience that many expectant parents enjoy. Above all else, remember that these last few weeks are a crucial period for your baby's growth, so try not to worry too much; it is completely natural for the physiological process of birth to take time and preparation - all part of the beautiful journey that is pregnancy!
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